Part 21 Arrivals and Extractions

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Newt POV-

I awoke to a guard violently shaking me "WE GOTTA MOVE NOW NOW NOW MOVE YOUR ASS" he yelled at me as i was dragged out of the copter and saw the others running towards a large prison type building, I turned my head to look behind me as people started running over the sand dunes and the guards started shooting at them picking them off one by one. "Newt hurry" a feminine voice yelled from in front of me making me whip my head back towards the Gladers praying for a second that it would be her and everything that has happened was just a bad dream. But it was, she wasn't there. Just a group of my friends that were now standing inside waiting for me, once i entered the guards slammed the huge metal doors shut behind us "well well well nice to see you all, my name is janson i am the head of this organization, don't worry WCKD can't find you here" janson reassured us but something about this man made me uneasy.
"Well need to run some tests on you and give you the vitamins you've been deprived of during the maze but first let's do something about that smell" he chuckled and instructed us to follow him towards a washroom full of shower cubicles "here's a change of clothes for you all, enjoy your showers" he said as some guards handed us clothes, I can't remember the last time I felt the comfort of warm water hitting my back but yet all I could think about is how much y/n would enjoy this.

I let out a deep sigh and sat on the floor of my cubicle letting the warm water run down my face and back, I was exhausted. Broken. Lost. I just watched her be killed.
Before I knew it I was sobbing into my knees, how could I let it happen? Why wasn't I watching her? I promised her I would protect her and I failed her.

After we finished our showers and got dressed we were taken to the 'clinic' where we were all seated in different areas. "Hello I'll be doing your injections today. My name is Dr Stass, if I'm correct, you're Newt?" Dr Stass said, looking down at me, his blue eyes peering through me. I gave him a slight nod in return to his question. He gave a weak smile and asked me to hold my arm out. I sat in the chair and watched him pierce the needle in my skin making me wince as it pierced my skin.

Y/N Pov-

I awoke in a strange room, the white lights blinding me as I opened my eyes 'jesus if this is the afterlife I don't wanna be here no more, it's too god damn bright' and that when the pain hit making my entire body ache. A painful pull back to let me know that I was very much alive somehow, the low hum of the white lights mixed with the throbbing pain radiating throughout my entire body made the time go excruciatingly slow, not that i had any perception of time at all i was just guessing at this point.

"Y/n'' nice to see that you're finally awake" someone said, making me open my eyes and glare at them, he was a doctor wearing a white lab coat that  had bright blue eyes and shaggy brown hair and a clear tag placed above a small pen pocket reading 'Dr H. Stass' "well need to run some tests on you to see how the maze trials affected your blood and if we're lucky you could be the cure and save us all'', he murmurs placing his clear clipboard down on a metal table then slowly makes his way next to the cot that i was laying in and pulled out the IV drip that was connected to me. my eyes wandered down to my paralyzed body, i was now wearing a pair of gray pants and a white shirt that had tattered blood marks trailing down the left side of my body "that griever really put you through the ringer y/n, cant believe that you managed to survive as long as you did" he chuckles, walks across the the empty white room and grabbed at needle "why am i here?" I ask, staring intently at the small needle he was holding "your important, we can't have you dying on us now can we?" He chuckles pessing softly on my forearm, locating a vein "this may hurt'' he says, pushing the needle through my skin. I watched my blood slowly fill the clear cylinder of the needle making my stomachs chern.

"I'm surprised you're being so compliment, you seem like a fighter, especially after the amount of times you beat the shit out of the boys in the glade, man that was funny to watch" stass chuckled as he turned away from me putting the needle of blood on a tray "excuse me" i retort sitting up and pulling against my restraints "what the hell do you mean by 'funny to watch' you weren't in that klunk hole you bastard" i winced falling back against the cot because of my wounds "oh you didn't know?" He said in a smug voice as he handed the tray off to a guard that walked through the door "we see everything. WCKD sees everything, there were cameras littered all around that place you called home" he snickered crouching in front of me "shuck you" i growled and kicked him as hard as i could in the face making him fall back onto the ground "GUARDS" he yelled holding onto his now bleeding nose as one ran through the door "your gonna regret that little girl"

'Klunk' I thought as he made his way towards me.

Heyyy im back with anew chapter :) i hope you enjoyed sorry if its not too good its a filler chapter.

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now