Chapter 24 - Marcus

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Y/N Pov-

"Shucking hell my hands hurts like a klunk" i hissed pulling shards of glass out of my bloodied hands and we made our way through the back alleyways of the rundown city "hey you hear that"
Thomas says, making me lift my head to look at him "you guys alright?" he questions brenda and i as she sits down on a pile of rubbish leant against the cold brick wall, my eyes panned over to brenda's heavy breathing as she slowly lifts up her left pant leg revealing a bite "shit" she mumbled running her coarse fingers over the fresh wound "brenda.." i said quietly looking down at her "yeah yeah i know y/n im screwed" she sniffles rolling down her pant leg "lets just go find marcus" she deadpanned wiping her nose on the back of her jacket, thomas extends a hand to help brenda up, she slapped his hand out the way "i don't need your or anyone else's sympathy back off" she snarls boosting herself up off of the hard floor.

We exited the alleyway to find ourselves on what looked to be or what used to be i should say a main street of sorts. People were huddled in their own little areas muttering to the others around them "just try to blend in" I whispered, Brenda and Thomas gave me nods whilst Aiden made a sarcastic remark that I decided to ignore. We walked past a variety of tents ranging from people cooking small rodents over an open fire to people dismantling cars for their parts, the sounds of dogs barking echoed down the withered streets of the city as we made our way up to a building blasting music "this has got to be it" brenda mumbled, "you here for the party" a voice sounded from behind up making thomas snap around to see who was talking. It was an older looking woman in a pale tattered cream shirt and an abundance of necklaces hanging from around her neck "uhh no." I cautiously replied, eyeing the woman up and down "we're looking for Marcus, this is his place isn't it" Brenda questioned the lady. "No this is my place" a man's voice interrupted from behind us "are you marcus" thomas questions the man "marcus doesn't live here anymore" the man says his deep sunken eyes darting between our group licking his bottom lip nervously before darting his tongue back into his mouth "do you know where we can find him" i asked, the sound of urgency was prominent in my voice as i stared the man down waiting for his answer "sure.." he started his voice shaking slightly "hes over in zone B" he continued. "What's zone B" Thomas asked " it's where they burn the bodies" the woman said running her hand over Aiden's shoulder and up his neck twirling her fingers in his short dark hair before walking off, he was visibly disgusted by the interactions and shivered slightly after her hand left his skin "hey look.. Has anyone else been by here looking for him? Group of kids around our age? They had a girl with them, she has long dark hair." I questioned stepping forward looking at the man intently "you know uh. I think they might be inside yeah." he says reaching into his coat jacket and pulling out a flask untwisting the cap before offering it to us "drink this" he says his eyes darting between us all "what is it" Aiden askes taking a step away from the man "the price of admission" he says with a smirk "DRINK IT" he shouts as brenda quickly swipes it out of his hand before taking a big swig and handing it off to me.

It tasted like klunk.

I cant state exactly what happened in that party it was all a blur of loud noises and lights that gave me a splitting headache "is anyone else dizzy" i mumbled looking at Aiden and thomas who seemed to be off in their own worlds completely "guys" i slurred before i passed out hitting the cold concrete floor.
I opened my eyes groggily to a room that was flooded with light spilling in threw large windows, i groaned rolling onto my side only to me met with Minho's dumb smug face "welcome back you ugly shank" he chuckled slapping my arm harshly "shuck off" i groaned rolling onto my stomach and shielding my face from him "get up you lazy piece of klunk" i lifted my head up and stared at him " oh you wanna go shank ill take you on right here right now" i said sitting up and staring daggers at him "woah woah calm down damn you've gotten feisty" he laughs holding his hands up i let out a small chuckle before looking around the room, everyone's eyes were on me but there was one pair that stood out the most.

Sorry for the shorter chapter but i hope you enjoyed im trying to get back into writing so im sorry if its not the best

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