Chapter 9 The Maze

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Y/n POV-

*time skip its after lunch*

Alby went into the maze today, I hope he'll be okay. He doesn't seem the most experienced in running, but I'm sure he'll be okay. He has Minho. I think to myself as I'm sitting down in front of the maze doors staring into the gaping abyss. Something about it makes me feel off. I can't tell if it's how large the walls are, or because I know that it's a death wish if I step foot in it.

"Hey, love." I didn't even notice Newt walking up to me. "Hi, Blondie, how are you feeling?" I say looking at him with a smile as he sits down next to me "I'm feeling better now. Why are you sitting out here alone - wait what did you call me?" Newt asked curiously "I'm waiting for Alby and Minho to get back, I don't have much to do today anyways. And I called you Blondie. I thought I'd give you a nickname." I say, chuckling as I rest my head on his shoulder.

Newt's POV-

We were sitting there for a while. Her head on my shoulder and my head on hers. After a while something caught my eye from the woods, so I turned my head to look. Gally was standing there, he looked broken. He dropped what he was carrying and walked around the back of a tree and sat down. That's odd. I thought to myself.

"What ya lookin at?" Y/n pitched in breaking me out of my stare. "Nothing, it's okay." I say, turning to come face to face with her. Our faces were so close together. We were inches apart, as I slowly started to lean in.. our lips brushed together.. We were so close, then suddenly I heard a crack from behind me.I turned to see Gally walking away. He looked miserable. "Hey..?" Y/n says as she stares frighteningly into the maze and slowly stands up, walking closer. "Hmm?" I hum, looking at her. "The walls will be closing soon. Why aren't they back?" She says quietly as everyone starts to crowd around the walls.

Y/n POV-

"Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asks. "That's against the rules." Gally chimes in "Either they make it back or they don't." "We can't risk losing anyone else." Newt says, looking at me. I stay deathly quiet, as the walls start to close. "C'mon..." I hear Chuck whisper. "THERE!" Thomas shouts pointing at Minho dragging Alby. "Wait, no, something is wrong." Newt says with a worried tone.

Thomas and I look at each other and nod. We knew what we were getting ourselves into, but it had to be done. "C'MON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck squeals, as the Gladers erupt into shouts, telling him to move faster. "MINHO YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!" Gally shouted. "Shuck it." I whispered, as I looked at Gally. He met my gaze. He knew what I was going to do, by how I was looking at him. "Don't you shucking dare, Greenie." He yelled. The doors were about to close. I sprinted into the maze, ripping my hand out of Newt's in the process with Thomas hot on my heels. "NO!" I hear Newt and Gally yell, as I feel their hands brush my arms in an attempt to hold me back. But they were too late.
The walls slammed closed behind us, as I scrambled back onto my feet. I ran over to Minho, helping him up and propping Alby against a wall as Minho says something.

"Good job, Greenie. You just killed yourself."

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now