Chapter 25 - The Right Arm

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Newt POV-

I couldn't take my eyes off her, she's just as beautiful as I remember but something just felt off. I stared at y/n whilst her minho squabble, She looked around the room as her eyes met mine, a feeling of longing, want and pain washed over me as i took in every feature of her face from the scar running form above her brow and plunging down the neckline of her shirt to the slight quiver tugging on the corners of her mouth wanting nothing more than to embrace her and never let go.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH" jorge shouted making us tare our eyes from one another to look at him, a loud crack sounded as his fist collided with the face of Marcus tied to a chair "i'm sorry you are going to have to leave my house" marcus slurs recovering from the hit, Thomas walks up behind me and stands close "looks like you've been having fun" i said sarcastically.

Y/n POV-

"Listen i don't enjoy hurting you" jorge says staring down at the man tied up, his face was bloodied and swollen but he still managed to look up at jorge "Where is the right arm Marcus" jorge says lowering himself down to meet his eyes.

The hell..

"This is Marcus?" i ask sternly standing up sharply walking over to Jorge, Marcus leant his head back and let out a laugh "kid catches on quick" he jokes "are you the brains of the operation" he asks me smugly, jorge gave me a side glance and nodded slightly before grabbing marcus's hair and forcing him to meet his eyes "i know you know where the right arm is hiding" he says through gritted teeth "and.." he continues "il make you a deal.. You can come with us" he says, releasing his hair and coming to stand next to me. Marcus chuckled, meeting my eyes "I've burned that bridge a long time ago" he smiles, making my blood curdle "besides.. I made my own deal you're the one who taught me to never miss an opportunity jorge" he laughed "what is he talking about" a british voice echoed across the room sending goosebumps scattering across my skin "im talking about supply and demand WCKD wants all the immune they can get there hands on and i.. Well I help supply that for them. So i lure the kids if they get drunk they have a good time and then later WCKD comes in and separates the wheat from the chaff " "i changed my mind Hermano I do enjoy hurting you" Jorge states kicking over Marcus's chair harshly hitting the floor with a loud thump.

I walked over to Marcus's thrashing body on the ground and pulled out my gun and pressed the barrel against his skull, the click of me loading a bullet into the chamber made him stop moving as a look of horror washed over his face "please dont" he whimpered scrunching his face up turning away from me slightly "your pathetic" i chuckled pressing it harder into his face "TALK" i shouted making him flinch " OKAY OKAY Jesus lady but i'm not making any promises these guys like to move around" he grunts "y/n off lets get him up" jorge says walking to my side.

Marcus grunts as we both grab him and pull him upright again "they have an outpost in the mountains" Marcus hisses breathing heavily "but it's a long way away.. But you all have half of WCKD on your ass. You'll never make it ""not on foot" jorge perked up "where's Bertha" jorge askes slapping his hands down on marcus's shoulders "not bertha" he whimpered his mouth quivering.

One by one we all loaded into the blue 1985 Chevrolet suburban which we all now know as Bertha. Jorge was driving with Newt Minho and I huddled in the backseat, Thomas in the front and the others huddled together in the very back of the car. I leant my head against the cold glass of the window admiring the scenery, Minho and Newt were whispering next to me in what seemed to be an urgent way by the sporadic breaths that Newt was taking but i decided to pay no mind to it returning my attention back to the landscape zipping by my window.

"This is our stop" jorge says loudly waking me, i opened up my door and stepped out stretching my arms over my head and yawning "well i guess we're on foot" fry says walking to my side "lets go" jorge says as he starts to walk up the rocky path with us trailing behind him swerving through an abundance of broken down cars when suddenly a sniper bolt echoed throughout the valley making us all duck behind cover "GET DOWN" jorge yells, i had my back pressed harshly against the car next to brenda "everyone okay!?" Thomas asks, "yeah we're fine!" Teresa responds with her voice traveling "does anyone know where those bloody shots came from!?" newt shouts to no one in particular "are you okay" i ask Brenda quietly as three more bolts were shot "sure" she says peeking her head out from the side of the car "jorge" she whispers quietly "brenda what's going -" i was cut off by a woman's voice "Drop it" the feminine voice says as i peek over the car to see jorge with a rifle aimed at him and thomas holding an explosive in his hand "shit" i whispered to myself

"NOW" she said sternly.
Hey guys I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to come out, I'm sorry its such a short chapter but someone stole my glasses so i cant write at the moment so i thought id just publish what i have now because you guys have been waiting a long while.
I'll hopefully be getting glasses in the upcoming weeks so expect more updates soon!
Love you all thank you so much for reading my book and i hope you've enjoyed so far

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now