Chapter 19 Everything is about to change

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Y/n - Pov

I awoke to another normal day in the glade, I stretched my arms out over my head and swung my legs off the side of my mattress, peering around the room just to find that I was alone. I let out a humm as I stood up and walked over to my cabinet. I picked up a turtleneck and a pair of trousers and put them on as I heard the breakfast bell ring.
I was sitting at one of the tables when I heard someone call my name "y/n" Minho says as he puts a hand on my shoulder and sits down next to me "sup" i say playing with my food.

"Did Newt tell you?"

"Tell me what? I haven't seen him since last night"

"We found a way out"

"What?!" I say a bit too loud, Minho and my conversation was cut short by someone's voice "hi" Teresa says as she sits down across from me "hey greenie, haven't seen much of you these days" "neither, i heard what happened to you, how are you feeling" she says placing a hand on mine "i'd rather not talk about it sorry "i say pulling my hand out from under hers "wh-" she was cut off by the sound of newt saying breakfast was over and to get back to work "ill see you shanks later" i say patting Minho on the back and walk past the builders station.

"greenie" i hear gally say so i turn around being engulfed into a hug, i nuzzled my face into his chest "how are you feeling" he says as he rubs the sides of my arms "i don't know anymore" i say peering up at him, he put his hands on my face "well i promise you i'm not going anywhere and i won't leave you. And even if I do. I'll always come back to you.." "thank y-" suddenly he kissed me.

I raised my hands to his chest and lightly pushed him off me. "What are you doing?"I asked as I softly watched his face fall. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting it gally.." hands left the sides of my face falling limp by his sides "What did you do with newt last night.?" He asked frowning slightly, "nothing. I don't understand..what does that have anything to do with this." My voice was shaky. "I'll see you later..... greenie." He says turning to leave "gally.." i say grabbing ahold of his large hand causing him to look back at me over his shoulder like he was about to say something but instead lets out a heavy sigh, he just squeezes my hand slightly and slides his out of mine and just like that he was gone, i stood there in the field looking at the ground my thoughts were completely void "hey love" i hear as a look up and was met with newts face "whats up youve been standing here for like 8 minutes now?" he remarks "i think gally hates me" i mutter under my breath "what was that" he says lowering himself to meet my eyes "nevermind can we just go back to work please" i say grabbing his fingers with two of mine "of course"

I was sitting in my hut after a long day of work and distant looks from Gally doing some drawing when I heard distant panicked shouts. I made my way out of the wooden door to see everyone surrounding the maze doors.
I shoved my way through the group of panicked boys next to minho, "what's going on" i ask peeling my eyes away from the maze "there not closing" minho said as a ear piercing scream erupted from the the maze "EVERYONE HIDE" i heard newt yell as all the boys started running in different directions but i was paralised at the sight of a griever tunneling down the passageway, all the memories came flooding back but i couldn't move i was frozen in fear.

Gally POV-

Everyone was running in different directions shouting panicked words that i couldn't make out, i was helping people into the box when i heard someone shout Y/n's name i immediately snapped my head to look back at the entrance to see her just standing there as a griever was running towards her, i swear i've never run so fast in my life i needed to get to her before it does, "Y/N SHUCKING MOVE" i shouted as loud as i could but she didn't move, as soon as i was close enough i threw us both onto the ground with me on top of her covering her from it. Suddenly I felt a pain in my side as something stabbed into me. I let out a scream and gripped her tighter. She was shaking so much, as soon as the thing got pulled out of my body i almost slumped onto her "gally?.."she asked confused, "we gotta go" i groaned in pain as i tried to get off the ground but ended up failing and falling onto my side, i rolled over in pain onto my back and gripped onto my side the pain was unbearable.

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