Chapter 2 The Bonfire

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I got out of the slammer a couple of hours ago. Alby has introduced me to everyone and given me the tour, but for some reason he won't tell me what's in the maze.

"Bonfires in an hour, get ready." Alby says as he walks away.

"Ok I'll be there.'' I say as I head to my hut.

Wandering through the open glade, I look up at the sky. A dusk is rising in beautiful purple and pink colours. I close my eyes, and blindly continue my walk to my cabin. I suddenly bump into someone and fall over.

"Gally?" I say looking up. "Hey Greenie." He says putting out his hand. "It's y/n." I scoffed, getting up. "Watch your tone Greenie." He said sternly. I gave him a sarcastic smile and turned around to continue my walk to my hut.

1 hour later

Gally's POV-

"LIGHT IT UP!" Everyone yells as the pile of logs goes up in flames. I chuckle and my eyes wander over to y/n. She's sitting with Newt on the other side of the fire. Their backs facing me. But for some reason I can't take my eyes off her. There's something about her, she's just thoughts wander off as I stare at her back.

Suddenly she looks over her shoulder at me, I stagger backwards as fast as I can, tearing my eyes off her "Guess what time it is?" I shout as I step in the ring and everyone cheers.

Y/n pov-

"That game looks stupid" I say looking back at Gally. "It is, but it's entertaining." Newt chuckles. I laugh along. Turning my head back to face Newt, my eyes wander down to the cup in his hand. "What's that?" I ask. "It's a drink Gally makes." He replies. "Of course." I say sarcastically as Newt hands the cup to me. I raise the cup up to have a look at the yellow liquid inside. I looked at him with a confused, disgusted look on my face.

"Don't worry, it's safe to drink. '' Newt laughed. I raise the cup up to my mouth to take a sip when something hits the back of my head spilling some of the drink on me. I turn around to see Gally staring at me.

I stand up and scull the remaining liquid in the cup I coughed as it burned my throat. I ignored the pain and walked over to Gally, stepping into the circle. "Ok....Gally, let's play." I said "What do you say Greenie, wanna see what you're made of?" He says as everyone starts chanting.


"Ok. Alright, the rules are simple Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle and you try to last more than 5 seconds, ready?" He says and I nod in return. He runs up and shoves me. I lose my balance, but regain my footing soon after. He tries again and I dodge him, making him fall over. He swiftly swings his leg and swipes my legs out from underneath me, my head hits the ground hard as he quickly scrambles onto his feet. As he's celebrating, I kick the back of his knees, causing him to collapse. Then I shove him out of the ring.

"That all you got shank?" I say, turning around and walking to my hut for the night. "Night boys" I yell back and I hear Newt yell back. "Goodnight y/n."

As I'm walking to my hut, I can't help but focus on Gally's voice playing over and over again in my head...there's something about him..I think I may be falling for him...

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now