chapter 16 Lungs

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Gally POV-

I wake to y/n's soft breathing. I carefully move out from under her. She stirred a little, but thankfully didn't wake up. I exited her hut and made my way into the deadheads. I stopped at a tree and sat down at the trunk processing everything that's happened. A few moments later I heard twigs snapping. I looked up instantly. Aiden was leaning against the tree in front of me.

"She's just using you. She doesn't want you. She has Thomas now." A wide smirk spread across his face.

"What did you say to her?"

"The truth. I told her what she needed to hear, rather than what she wanted."

"You went after her even after she beat the klunk out of you?" I was kind of amused by his persistence, knowing it would only get him in a deadly place. It still angered me though. He was so cocky and has a bigger ego than Minho.

"She can only fight when she has a crowd." Can I punch that look off his face? "She's weak, she needs someone to lean on all the time. That person just isn't you." I could feel my blood boiling, but I held back.

Like it was perfectly planned, I saw Thomas making his way through the trees.

"Here comes the hero. How's it feeling knowing she's all yours?"

"Pretty great actually, she's like a sister to me so it's good to know I can be there for her." The look on Aiden's face dropped a little at Thomas's words. He wasn't expecting him to say that.

"Yeah right, all 3 of you are obsessed with her. You have her all to yourselves for now but don't expect it to last long everyone's gonna wanna get their hands on that body of hers if this new girl doesn't let them."

"Family lasts forever. Even if you hate them, and I will never let anyone do that to her.." Thomas came and stood by me after Aiden pushed past him to get out of the woods.

"What a slint head." I huffed.

"Yup. How's she doing?" He didn't waste any time making sure y/n was ok. He must be a good 'brother'.

"Sleeping, as far as I know. I left her about 10 minutes ago."


I heard the door close, but I stayed in bed. I rolled over and stared at the roof questioning everything that was running through my mind. Good stuff, bad stuff, moderately ok stuff. It was loud. I heard someone pass by my door muttering something to themselves. Then silence. I decided to get up and get dressed for the day. I pulled on a gray sweater and olive cargo pants. I walked over to the mirror, my hair was a mess...I began to move it around when I got a sudden memory of Aiden grabbing my hair and ripping my head back. I could still feel the pain and it scared me.

I just didn't feel safe anymore, I felt like it was his way of controlling me, so I grabbed a pair of scissors and began chopping my hair off.

Once I was done, I looked up at myself in the mirror. My hair was now short, still scruffy but maybe 8 inches left on my head. I ran my fingers through my soft hair and felt all the painful memories that Aiden did to me that day melt away. I walked to my door but hesitated before opening it. What if he's out there right now? Ready to find a new way to control me?

Thomas's POV

I walked out of the deadheads with Gally, we both froze when we saw someone unfamiliar standing outside of y/n's hut.

"Who the shuck is that?"

"I have no idea. Why are they wearing y/n's sweater?"

"Wait. I think."

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