Chapter 4 Fight

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I wake up and feel the cold bed sheets next to me, I slowly sit up head pounding from crying "He's gone." I muttered to myself.
I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up.

I was getting dressed when I heard the door knock. "In a minute, I'm getting dressed!" I hollered. "Ok, come down for breakfast once you're done." Newt said. "Okay."

I made my way down to the kitchen when I spotted Gally. I waved to him and he looked at me walking over to me. "Good morning Gally." I say giving him a bright smile. He was so tall.
"Hey Greenie." He says brushing his hand against my cheek and smiling. I leant my head into his hand, closing my eyes when I heard Minho shout. "Breakfast is nearly gone, hurry up, shanks!" Gally pulled his hand away, gave me a stern look and walked to the kitchen. What just happened? I turned around and he was gone.

Gallys pov-

No one can know about this. It's nothing, it's nothing. I'm going to hurt her. I can't hurt her- "Yo dude you okay?" Minho asks stabbing at his food, he broke me out of my trance. I shot my head up looking at him.

"Yeah sorry, just lost in thought." I said back, giving him an emotionless stare. "Ummmmm.....okay, well-" Minho was cut off. "Hey Gally, are you doing repairs on the homestead today?" Newt asked. "Uhh, I think so." I said as I got up and started heading to the builders station.

I walked over to the homestead to assess the damage. There was a hole in the roof and a broken beam that needed replacing. As I was writing down the damage as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around with a blank look on my face.
"Hey." Y/n said, looking at me with a cute smile. I continued to look at her with my emotionless stare. "What have I done.." Her face slowly turned into a frown.

I looked her in the eyes and brushed past her.

I can't do this. I don't want to hurt her, I need to stay away from her.

"What did I do!" I heard her yell at me. I turned around and looked at her. "I need you to stay away from me." I said sternly. "WHY!" She yelled.

I walked up to her. "Because!" I said, leaning my face close into hers. I hear a crack as she slaps me across the face. "What was that for!" I yelled, starting to draw attention to the situation. She punched me square in the face. "YOU WERE ALL OKAY WITH ME EARLIER WHAT CHANGED" she yelled getting closer to my face I pushed her, causing her to fall to the ground and hitting her head.

"WHAT THE SHUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Alby yells seeing me standing over Y/n with a bloody face. Him realising what happened says. "Both of you are spending the night in the pit!" I looked at Y/n realising what I did. My eyes started welling up with tears but I refused to let it show. She looked at me, terrified. What have I done..

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now