Chapter 11 welcome back

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Newt POV-

Gally and I haven't left the maze doors since y/n and thomas left. I'm worried for her and clearly he is too. He's pacing and slightly shaking. His knuckles are white from clenching and honestly I don't know what to do or feel at this point in time.

Suddenly a loud screech erupted from the doors and the sound of the rusty gears of the doors cracking and grinding tugging at them to open.

Everyone starts to crowd around as I push myself through them, as I pass through the crowd I peer down the passageway. It's like the air was pulled out of the glade and the sound of silence was deafening.. the passageway was devoid of any life. She was gone.

"I told you chuck. They're not coming back."I say walking away and starting to shake slightly. She's gone. I can't believe she's really gone. I whisper to myself as I head back towards the homestead, it felt like a gaping hole was ripping its way through my heart. I felt empty and broken, I just wanted to feel numb to distract myself from this hollow pain eating me alive...

Suddenly a squeal erupted from behind me as chuck shouts "YEAAAAH" everyone rushed back to the entrance i turned around to see thomas and Minho and between them alby laying on the grass his head was bloody, he was out like a light "WHERES Y/N" Gally asks sterny almost yelling- Minho points behind him we both look up to see y/n limping out of the maze with something sticking out of her, the cloth covering her torso tattered and ripped and blood was slowly spilling out of her.

Gally ran up to her "y/n are you okay" he says as he cradles her face in his hands, i get to them in time to see y/n open her mouth to say something but as soon as she did blood poured out of her mouth and pooling into his hands.

Her face turned into a scowl and pushed his hands off her, turned her face away from his and wiped her mouth "y/n..?" I say as I softly grab her arm "I'm fine" she says as she starts to violently cough causing blood to splatter on the ground as she falls to her knees and continues to cough up more and more blood.

Gally and I each grab one of her arms, she pulls her arms out of our grasp. "I said I'm fine" she almost growls at us, putting one hand on her knee to boost herself up.

"Aww couldn't the poor girl handle a night in the glade without getting torn apart" a glader said as he made his way to y/n "and who the hell do you think you are shuck face" she says in a shallow tone glaring up at him threw her lashes "the names Aiden" he says with a smug expression, i grab y/n's hand gently and behind her back so aiden doesn't see "well AiDeN" she says mockingly "at least i can survive in the maze unlike you, you have all the muscle and none of the skills so shut your dumb ass up" she says narrowing her eyes.

Gally and i slowly lock eyes giving each other the look of 'what the shuck' and honestly trying to hold back some chuckles even though nothing about the past events of last night were funny.

Aiden walks up to y/n and flicks the leg causing her to groan and stagger backwards into me as a bit more blood leaks from her mouth "totally looks like you could do better" he says as he walks away, i rub her back helping her settle her breathing "newt i'm fine i don't need your help" she says as she walks off towards the med hut.

"What the shuck just happened" Gally said as he walks up next to me "i'm as clueless as you"

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now