chapter 13 Blood

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Gally POV-

"What happened?!?, where is she?!" Thomas asked worryingly as he ran through the doorway "she ran out the door i didn't see where she went" i said as i held my nose "shuck" Thomas yelled as he ran out the door to search for her.

"What is bloody going on" Newt says from the other side of the room "how would i know newt she hasn't spoken to me either and you know that" i said as i looked at him dead in the eyes "well clearly Aiden had something to do with it, I'm going to help Thomas look for y/n, talk to Aiden and get his side of the story" newt says as he heads for the doors "who gives you the right to tell me what to do" "just do it for her" newt says sternly as he walks out. "fine." I whispered to myself "for her".

Thomas POV-

"Y/n" i called out as i walked through the forest checking behind every tree and bush to find her "y/n" i called again as i looked around a tree spotting a bloody handprint "y/n?" I heard a whimper coming from above me. I looked up to see the faint figure of y/n "I'm coming up" i called up at her.

As I started climbing the branches , each one was covered in more blood than the last. "I'm just here to talk, I won't hurt you." I said as I hoisted myself onto the branch that she was on, she was just sitting there crying. There was blood everywhere.

"i can't do this anymore" she said quietly, lifting her head off her knees "what happened" i say as i move closer to her.

"Everything" she said as she groaned in pain clutching her side, i looked at her wound then straight back at her face "i head butted gally and he dropped me" its my fault don't worry" she says as she pulls her hand away and wiped it on the tree "come here" i say looking at her with my arms slightly open "why" she said.

"Just do it" I say. She leant into me and wrapped my arms around her pulling her in close "everything is going to be okay. I promise" i say, i can feel that she's slowly drifting off to sleep "we better hop down before you fall asleep, we should get you patched up" i say shaking her slightly, "if you say so" she groans as she slowly sits up.

Newt POV-

"Have you found her" Gally said as he walked up to me "what does it look like smart guy" i say as i peer over to the dead heads "seriously" Gally says sternly as he grabs my arm "I'm not scared of you Gally" i say, but he stays silent. Peering past my shoulder I followed where he was looking and saw Thomas carrying y/n she was cuddled up into his chest clearly sleeping. There was blood staining her tank top, shorts and her hands. There was blood on Thomas too but that wasn't much of a surprise since he was carrying her.

"She's fine" he called to us as he walked out of the tree line, Gally looked down at me, let go of my arm and headed over to Thomas "i can take her" he said "no it's fine" Thomas says as she clutches his shirt "she doesn't want anyone around her right now" he says as he rubs her arm "fine but i'm seeing her tomorrow" Gally says in a huff as he walks off towards his hut.

I walked up to Thomas and looked at y/n before he entered the med jacks. "What happened?" I said softly. "when Gally dropped her the wound reopened" he said looking at me "do you know what's been going on with her?" I ask.

"the maze has kind of messed her up, neither of you were there when she needed you, so she feels that she doesn't need your help, or sympathy, and Aiden is just a creep and has just been pushing her over the edge since she got back" he says quietly "why does she let you around her then?" I say in a worried tone.

"Because I was there," he says blankly. "Well i hope she feels better soon, just please let me know when she wakes up" i say softly as i rub her arm "will do" Thomas says with a small smile and walks into the med jacks.

Y/n POV-

I woke up to Thomas laying me down on the cot and sitting down next to me "I'm sorry" I said as I sat up "I'm just really tired I didn't mean to" "It's okay I had a feeling it was going to happen" he says as he rubs my back.

"what happened Jeff says as he walks through the door "she fell over" Thomas responded for me "okay" Jeff groans as he gets some more gauze to patch me up "lift your shirt up" he says, i nodded a reply as i lifted it up to reveal the blood soaked bandages.

"This might hurt," he says as we peel the bloody bandages off my skin and clean it. "Is it bad?" I ask as Jeff starts to put on a new bandage. "not really, you'll be fine" "that's good" i say as i lower my top.

"Go get some rest" Jeff says as i hop off the cot, Thomas following close behind "thank you" i say as i leave and start walking towards my hut once again.

I entered my hut with Thomas "you better get some sleep, you look exhausted" Thomas says "can you please stay. I just don't really want to be alone right now" i say hoping he won't take it in a wrong way.'' Sure, can I just go to the homestead and get changed, I don't really wanna sleep in blood" he chuckles "of course you can" i l retorted with a small smile. Thomas turns to the door and leaves for the homestead, 'I suppose I should get changed too' . I grab a pair of clean black sweatpants and a green top and get changed.

A little while later Thomas comes back and opens the door "it's just me" he says as he walks over and sits against the wall on my bed "thank you for staying" i say as i hop on the bed and put my head on his lap "thank you for everything" i say hugging him "its okay, your like a little sister to me. I'll always be here for you" he says as he hugs me back. I smiled into his stomach and drifted off to sleep finally feeling safe for the first time since the maze.

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