Chapter 5 The Pit

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Gallys pov-

We've been in the pit for a while now. We're just sitting facing each other, her face is bruised, dried blood trailed down the side of her head. "Y/n" I said softly. "What do you want Gally?" She spat. I felt so guilty.

How could you do this to her? Look at her, she's in pain. My thoughts racing through my head at a mile and hour staring at the floor I'm freaking out and I start crying without realising.

I feel a hand touch my face and I flinch looking up at her "Hey it's okay I'm okay." She says in a calming voice "No it's not. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just lash out some ti- " I was cut off by her kissing me. I was confused, not realising what was happening.

When it finally sunk in, I felt like I melted into her hands. I kissed her back, her lips were soft and warm. I didn't want it to ever end. Her hands were on my cheeks she pulled away and I just looked at her in astonishment.

"What was that for?" I say looking into her eyes. "I need you to believe that I am okay." She says, stroking my cheeks.

"I'm sorry" I say looking at her. "We were both in the wrong.'' She says quietly.

Y/n pov-

I move from facing him to sitting next to him. His head is tilted back against the wall looking up at the ceiling. He looks peaceful, quiet, I put my hand on his and he looks at me. "What's wrong, Greenie?" He said, grabbing my hand.

"Nothing." I sigh, leaning my body into his, his warmth made me shiver. He noticed and wrapped his arms around me.

I leant into his chest, his warmth consuming me "You can sleep Greenie" He says pulling me onto his lap as I cuddle up to him. "Thank you Gally.." I say yawning, laying my head on his chest.

"Goodnight." He says as he kisses my forehead. I cling onto his shirt pulling myself closer to his body. "Goodnight." I say clinging onto consciousness, slipping away into sleep.

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now