Chapter 12 emotionless

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Y/n POV-

I walked myself off to the med jacks ignoring the state of my injuries. I entered through the doors and pulled myself up onto one of the cots. I swayed my legs back and forth to take my mind off the stabbing pain in my torso whilst I waited for Jeff and Clint to get back from helping Alby.

I've been sitting and waiting for a while now, the overbearing pain of being impaled has grown as the shock and adrenaline wore off, the door gets flung open as Jeff and Clint come in carrying Alby in there arms "well be with you in a second" Jeff says in a breathless tone as he continues to lug Alby into the other room. After some time Jeff and Clint walk out of the room and shut the door behind them "what have you gotten yourself into" Clint says as he walks up to me "griever leg to the side clearly"

Jeff kneels down in front of me on the dirt floor and gently grabs the leg and slightly moves it, i let out a groan as he continues to move it slightly "looks like its missed everything that's important so that's good news" Jeff says as he boosts himself up by his knee "then why am i coughing up blood" i ask slightly confused and worried.

"Trauma to the lungs" cliff piped up as he grabs some bottles of liquid and gauze "you'll be fine you just need rest, but we've got to do something about that leg" i gulped knowing that this was going to hurt like klunk. Jeff firmly grabbed hold of the leg whilst Clint was beside him holding the gauze ready to press them onto my wounds as soon as the leg was out.

Jeff gave it one swift tug, i let out a blood curdling scream as the leg was pulled through my flesh "okay we're halfway there" he says as Clint holds the gauze to the exit wound on my back, i was panting and my consciousness was drifting in and out from the pain I hadn't even noticed that Thomas had come in he was now sitting behind me and holding me as Jeff started to count down from 5, i looked up at him with tears in my eyes as Jeff swiftly pulled the leg clean out of me i let out another scream causing Thomas to hold me tighter as Clint bandaged me up i sat there for a while just crying as Thomas held me. this was going to be a long recovery.

It's been a couple of days since we escaped from the cold lifeless maze. I feel numb, I don't smile anymore and I ignore everyone. The only person I can stand to come near me is Thomas. Everyone just looked at me like I was broken or a lost puppy. I could tell that everyone was taking pity on me and I hated it. Thomas was the only person who treated me normally, he treated me like a person and I could tell he was trying his hardest to make me laugh every day but I just didn't feel like it. since the maze was like a piece of me was lost within its walls.

"Gally and Newt are worried about you" Thomas said to me as we sat at the bonfire for the new greenie, it was another girl. Her name was Teresa i think, i don't know and honestly i don't really care "isn't everyone" i replied blankly making eye contact with him as i finished off my 3rd cup of Gallys drink "fair enough" Thomas said as he stood up "want a refill" he said reaching his hand down to me "yes please" i said handing him my cup. I watched Thomas as he walked off into the distance to refill our drinks.

"hey" i hear someone say as i feel a hand on my thigh i turn around to see Aiden sitting next to me with a smug look of his face "what do you want" i glared at him as i shoved his hand off of me "nothing, i just find it amusing that no one is here to protect you anymore and i've got you exactly where i want you" he say as he grabs my jaw with one hand and squeezes pulling my face near his.

"Let go of me" i say as i tried to push myself out of him stone cold grip causing us to get the attention of the other graders, out of the corner of my eye i can see gally heading over to us "i don't think so, your weak what makes you think you can tell me what to do" he says as his other hand grabbed my thigh.

I slam my fist into his face and proceed to kick him in the stomach "I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO PROTECT ME I CAN PROTECT MYSELF PERFECTLY FINE" i yelled at him as i hopped on top of him and started to repeatedly slam my fists into his face over and over and over again until i felt arms grab me from behind me and dragged me off him "he's not worth it y/n" Thomas raised his voice holding me against him to stop me from thrashing.

As I calmed down Thomas loosened his grip on me, I looked around meeting the eyes of all the shocked gladeres, some of them crowded around Aiden to help him up. My eyes wandered the sea of eyes when mine locked onto newts and then Gallys, newt started to walk towards me and gally just stared at me with astonishment.

Before Newt could get to me I broke out of Thomas's hold and ran to my hut slamming the wooden door behind me. i walked over to my desk and sat down, i grabbed a cloth and started to wipe aidens blood off my knuckles almost sinking into a trance as i started to recall the events of the maze, i felt a pair of arms around me as the feeling pulled my back to reality i was shaking and my hands were raw and red from scrubbing i slowly got my breathing back in control as i registered the dusty blond hair that was on my shoulder. Newt pulled his head off my shoulder, held my arms gently and looked into my eyes "what's going on love" he said with a worried tone "i'm fine" i said breaking eye contact with him and looking at the floor, he stayed silent just looking at me as i started to chuckle.

"Im fine everything is fine" i say laughing as i tore my arms from his hands and stood up "everything is bloody fine im fine" i say grabbing hold of the hair at the top of my head "im fine, im fine, im fine" i keep repeating getting louder and louder every time i say it until i was screaming it as i started knocking things over and breaking them whilst balling my eyes out- it felt good to let all of my built up frustrations and anger out.

"Y/N CALM DOWN" i heard gally yell at me and he grabbed ahold of me from behind and lifted me up "LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW" i yelled thrashing my legs around trying to kick him off me. I eventually slammed the back of my head into his nose causing him to drop me. As soon as I felt myself on the ground I sprinted out of my hut and into the forest.

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now