Chapter 18 please don't make me chose

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Newt Pov-

I felt y/n tense up at that question. "What do you mean?" I remark trying to act dumb. "Well for starters your breathing really heavily and your pretty much naked with y/n on top of you" gally said through gritted teeth " was hot so i took my hoodie off and the door startled me because i was asleep" i say trying to sound convincing

"sure" gally scoffed "how is she doing" clint push past them "she was screaming in her sleep earlier i had to wake her up" i said rubbing her back i could feel her cool breath scattering across the skin of my torso causing me to get flustered "you good" he questioned raising an eyebrow, she started tracing things into my side softly causing me to take staggered breaths "yeah, just in some pain" i groaned "you can let go of her now i'll look after her in her hut" gally says as he places a hand on her shoulder, she grabbed on to my side "no i don't wanna go" she murmured "it's just me y/n you'll be safe" he says as he peels one of her arms off from around my waist "fine" she groans and hops out from under the blanket causing cold air to flow onto the once warm spot on my skin once she was fully off me i stand up and stretch my arms up over my head and out of the corner of my eyes i saw y/n staring at me "put a shirt on Newt" Thomas laughed and slapped me in the stomach causing me to hunch over and hold my stomach.

"Ok lets go y/n" gally says taking her hand, "wait a sec" she says running up to me giving me a massive hug, wrapping her arms around my neck and burring her face "c'mon y/n" Thomas chimes in after a while of us hugging, she planted a small kiss to the base of my neck so no one would notice and reluctantly let go of me "bye" i say quietly as gally takes her hand again and walks out of the hut with Thomas trailing them, i turned around and slipped my shirt back on "ok lets get a look at that face of yours" jeff says as i slide up onto the cot, he started turning my head from side to side to check out the damage to my face " there's some bruising around your eyes jaw and neck but other than that you seem fine" he says giving me some ice for my jaw "so did he like strangle you or something." clint asks "pardon" i ask looking at him "the bruise that's just under your jaw" jesus y/n did you have to do that i thought as my hand skimmed over the 'bruise' "uhh yeah" i say retracting my hand

Y/n Pov-

"What was that" gally says as he shuts the door of my hut behind us "what do you mean" i say as i sit down on my bed and sliding on a pair of socks "with Newt, you don't even cling to me like that" he was getting ticked off.

"well he saved my life-"

"so did i y/n"

"Its different than that gal"

"How, it broke my heart having to walk into this room and having to pull A ROPE OFF THE ONE THAT I LOVE!"

"Newt put his physical health on the line to save me, he brought me back even when everyone thought i was dead he refused to stop trying to save me! Don't go getting jealous when I have had the worst day of my entire shucking life gally! I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD I FELT THE WATER FILLING MY LUNGS AS I WAS PINNED DOWN HE WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO WAS THERE!"

At this point we were screaming and crying, my throat felt raw and painful. I was suddenly pulled into a hug "I'm so sorry" he said, hugging me tighter. I just stood there in his arms. I couldn't stop crying "please don't make me choose..." I say quietly into his chest "what do you mean hun" he says lowering himself to eye level "you and newt. Because I won't be able to. I love you both too much" I say crying again " listen to me. You don't need to make a decision today or tomorrow or even in a months time but you will need to eventually just know that i will be with you no matter what and i will never and i mean never stop loving you" he says as he wipes my tears with his large hands i wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him really tightly, he wraps his arms around my torso and stands up causing me to get lifted off the ground because of the height difference "i've got to go to the meeting" he says gently putting me down "would you like to come hun" he asks rubbing the side of my face with his hand "yes." I say slipping on my shoes and walking out the door with gally by my side.

We walk into the council hall and i was seated between gally and newt, i didn't know why this was until Aiden was dragged into the room by some baggers that tied him to a chair he was seated directly across from me i knew that newt wouldn't be allowed to help me during this meeting because it would be un-professional so i have to try and rely on gally, i started to hyperventilate as his eyes tore through me "so, Aiden i'm guessing you know why your here right now" newt says as he stands up and leans on the table "because i drowned that bitch" he cackled looking at me "if two attempts at killing her didn't do the job maybe one more will" he laughed "THAT'S ENOUGH'" Minho snaps at him "next time maybe i'll put my hands around her tiny shucking throat to kill her faster" "JUST SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" i start yelling covering my ears "THAT'S ENOUGH I'VE HEARD ENOUGH, GAG HIM, HELL BE BANISHED IN TWO DAYS TIME" i heard newt yell across the hall, i've never heard him yell before and it scared me even more.
Gally pulled me into him and covered my ears with his hands, i could hear the muffled sounds of the Gladers shouting across the hall and Minho yelling at them to shut up, "he's gone you can relax now" gally says looking down at me "after this meeting is over someone has to tell me what he means by twice now" newt growled and slumped back into his chair pinching the bridge of his nose "Y/n, Gally you are excused" newt says.

We entered my dark room once again and i turn around to face Gally "please dont tell him" i say sitting down on my bed and burying my face in my knees " i have to, newts in command since Alby cant at the moment" he says wrapping an arm around me "he's going to hate me" i cry "no he wont, hell understand" he reassures me "how do you now that" i say turning my head to look at him

"because he's tried it too"


"Don't tell him I told you but. He used to be a runner in the maze. One day he just got so tired of living that he ran into the maze and climbed up one of the walls as high as he could manage and threw himself off of it. He ended up getting tangled in the ivy and snapping his ankle in three different places before hitting the ground. Minho eventually found him but it was a bloody miracle that he survived"

"Is that why he has a limp..." i say looking gally dead in the eyes "yep" he says popping the P and just as if it was on cue newt walks into my hut and nods at gally, he lets out a deep breath before speaking "okay so you know yesterday how y/n was missing for most of the day? Well basically what happened is Aiden was harassing her the entire day and was saying things to degrade her as much as possible, i eventually found him yanking her hair and hurting her so i did what i had to get him off her after that she went to her room and tried to hang herself..I walked in before she did and managed to convince her not to do it. She ended up cutting her hair in the morning because of him."
I shamefully hid my face from newt as he stared at me "can you give us a moment gally" newt says and i hear gally leave my hut "y/n" newt says as he kneels in front of me on the floor but i refuse to meet his eyes "y/n" he repeated a bit more stern then the last "if your going to yell at me just get it over with" i respond quietly "come here" he says pulling me into a hug, i leaned my head onto his shoulder and just stared at \the ground "i promise i'm not mad" he breathed putting a hand underneath my chin to make me look at him "why didn't you tell me all of this was happening love" god i loved it when he called me that " i didn't want anyone to know...especially not you" i looked up at him through my eyelashes he just let out a sigh and gave me a soft kiss on the lips "i promise from now on i won't let anything hurt you." he said stroking my face "deal blondie" i say giving him a small smile before pulling him in for another kiss it only lasted a couple of seconds but i wished it has been longer. "Can you sleep in here tonight" i ask as my forehead is rested against his "of course love, i'll just let gally know what's going on" he says hopping up and planting a kiss to my forehead, whilst he was outside talking to gally i slipped off my shoes and went over to my clothes and grabbed some underwear so i could change out of my wet ones and i grabbed a new tank top quickly got changed out of my wet underwear and slipped on the tank top and newts tracksuits and that's when i looked at them and got a bit confused "these aren't mine.?" I said aloud.

"They're mine" Newt called from the door shutting it behind him, i turn to look at him and notice my shoulder, they had deep almost black handprints marked into my skin i started to hyperventilate looking at them, he had marked my skin "hey its okay its okay'' newt says moving to me and covering the marks gently with his hands so i couldn't see them "he can't hurt you anymore" i turned my head to look at him in the eyes and let out a deep breath before swiftly grabbing his face and started kissing him i just wanted to forget about everything, aiden, the glade, all the pain i just wanted to forget it all even if it was just for a moment, tf he slid his hands off my shoulders, up my neck planting them on either side of my face and leaning in and turning his head slightly to deepen the kiss, he moved his hands to the back of my thighs and picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist Newt held on tighter to my thighs to support me, he walks over to my desk and sits me on it, hands firmly grasping my legs leaning into me, i move to grab the back of his shirt collar and pull it over his head throwing it on the ground. newt slides his hands up my legs and starts playing with the hem of my shirt, i break the kiss briefly to slide my shirt off leaving me in my sports bra before smashing my lips against his again he grabs my waist and pulls me in closer, i flung my arms over his shoulders and slipped my fingers through his soft blond hair tugging at it slightly causing him to dig his fingers into my back softly he ran his hands lower to the waistband of my pants, "is it okay if we dont do that" i said as i softly grabbed his wrists "of course it is love" he says leaning his forehead against mine.


sorry that i haven't updated in a while life has been crazy lately  💀 anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter, things are going to start moving into TST within the next couple of chapters :)

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