Chapter 23 A Familiar Face

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Thomas POV-

"Who are you" i questioned the as the others stand behind me she was short and slender with tan skin and dark hair that was shaved into a buzz cut "you guys look like shit" she remarks earning a glare from most of the Gladers "come on follow me" she says walking off into the hallway of cranks "unless you want to stay there with them" she says turning her head to the side making eye contact with me.

"Where are we going" Aiden groans as the lady walks us through the hallways of what looks to be a warehouse of some sort "shut your mouth would ya" she snaps not bothering to look at him "Jorge wants to meet you" she says stopping the the top of the stairs in front of a desaturated green door "who's Jorge" i ask "you'll see" she says with a smug smile as she slowly opens the door to reveal a man playing with a radio.

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place" Minho whispers from behind me "lets just hear him out" I whisper back "Jorge they're here" she says earning a deep breath from Jorge "do you ever get the feeling that the whole world is against you?" he says turning around to look at us "before we get started, Brenda can you close her door, we don't need her to be awoken to this" Jorge motions to a dark room as Brenda walked over to shut the door then sitting on the couch that was next to him "

"Three questions"

"Where did you come from?"

"Where are you going?"

"And how can I profit?"

We all stood there silently "don't all answer at once" he remarks "were headed for the mountains" Aris pipes up "yeah looking for the right arm" Aiden says mockingly "your looking for ghosts you mean" Brenda says stabbing a knife into a table and standing up, "where do you come from" Jorge questioned "that's our business" Minho replies standing his ground.

Jorge looked over to Brenda and nodded. I started to feel tense, like something wasn't right when she grabbed me by the back of the neck and forced me into kneeling "hey!, get the hell off me!" I shouted as she started to scan the back of my neck "get off me!" i repeated "shut up you big baby" she said letting go of me. "What's going on everything okay out there" a familiar voice yelled from the room but I couldn't quite pinpoint how I knew that voice "everything's fine just go back to bed" Jorge yelled back "whatever you say man" she yelled back, "back to what we were doing?" Jorge said "you were right" Brenda says looking down at the device in her hands.
"Right about what" Minho asks sternly "what is she talking about? I ask taking a step closer to them.

"I'm sorry hermano." Jorge deadpanned "looks like you're tagged" Brenda continued as she chucked the device onto the table showing my WCKD profile "you came from WCKD" Jorge says crossing his arms over his chest "which means.." Brenda starts "your very valuable" Jorge finishes as he motions over to us as a bunch of men grab us and start dragging us away from them, knocking us out along the way.

I woke up groggy and confused looking around at my settings, we were hanging from the roof my out ankles i looked around myself to see that everyone else was as well "Good plan Thomas" Aiden growled from behind me "just hear what the man has to say, that's really working out for us man" Minho retorts using quotation marks, was this gonna be his thing now? God i hope not "shut up Minho" newt groaned "maybe i can reach the rope" Teresa says trying to pull herself up to untie her ankles "crazy bitch what do you thinks gonna happen if you untie that, your gonna fall" Aiden barked at her "enjoying the view" Jorge asked as he strolled into the room "what do you want " i asked "that's my question. My men want to sell you to WCKD life's taught them to think small. But I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either" he says leaning against the handrail overlooking the hole that I somehow just realized we were dangling over.

"is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense" minho said spinning around slightly "tell me what you know about the right arm" he questioned looking concerned at minho who was still spinning "i thought you said they were ghosts" i replied taking his attention off minho "i happen to believe in ghosts. Especially when I hear them chattering over the airways. You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal." "That's great and all man but can you stop that walking lightning rod from spinning, it's making me nauseous and i don't feel like throwing up in my own face." Aiden pleaded " it's making you feel sick, shank I'm the one who's actually spinning!" Minho shouts, jorge gestured to one of the men and they grabbed a pole and stopped him spinning with it "thank god" minho breathed "we don't know much" i answered. Suddenly we all jolted downwards making us all shout in surprise "okay! Okay, alright. They're hiding in the mountains. And they attacked WCKD, they got a bunch of kids out that's all we know i swear!" I said quickly not to anger him anymore.

" yo gorge what's going on?" a scruffy looking man said walking into the room "me and my new friends were just getting acquainted" jorge responds pushing himself off the handrail and starts to walk off "were done now" he continued "hey wait your not gonna help us?" fry piped up "don't worry hermano well get you back to where you belong hang tight" he chuckled walking out the door with the man.
"Wait, what about you guys trying to push me? I might be able to swing towards the leaver and get us out of here," Teresa continues from her idea before, it's like she didn't even hear a word jorge said. Eventually after a while of tirelessly pushing her towards the lever she finally got us all down.

"Good evening! This is the world catastrophe killzone department. We have your compound completely surrounded. You find yourselves through no fault of your own.. In possession of wckd property, return them to us unharmed and well consider this a simple misunderstanding. Or you can resist and every last one of you will die, it won't be long until the flare wipes out the rest of us. The hope for the cure lies in your hands, the choice is yours." a loud voice bellows over the microphone, the sound of aircrafts was apparent.

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