Chapter 8 The Apology

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Y/n POV-

It's been two days now and I haven't left Newt's side. Frypan has been dropping of my meals so I can stay until he wakes up. I can't help but feel so guilty for what's happened to him, even though I still don't know what happened. No one has told me. I can't leave. I can't let go of his hand. I'm scared for him. I need him.
I'm holding his hand and burying my face into his chest. I can't help but to let out quiet sobs.

Suddenly I feel someone stroking my hair so I slowly look up.
"Hey love." He groaned.
"OH MY GOD NEWT!" I yell as I pull him into a tight hug burying my face into his neck. "You're okay." I say stroking the sides of his face and looking into his eyes, as start crying happy tears.
"I'm okay, Greenie." He says with a small smile. I swiftly move and kiss him softly on the lips smiling into them. "You're really okay." I cried. He smiled back, pulling me in for another kiss.
"It's okay, love. Come here." He says pulling me into a tight hug. Everything felt right in that one moment.

I finally felt relaxed and started to calm down, dozing off to the feeling of him running his fingers through my hair.
Suddenly, a loud bang erupted from the door. We shot up as Gally slammed it into the wall. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on the love birds." He scoffed. Newt looked terrified. He pulled his hand away from me and cowered into the corner of the bed.
"Sorry." Newt said sheepishly. "Y/n, you can leave now." He says quietly.
"What? No, why?" I responded.
"Please, Greenie. Please just go." He pleaded with me, as he started to tear up.
"Okay." I responded quietly. I turned to the door as Gally grabbed my arm and said.
"We need to talk."
"No we dont." I yanked my arm out of his grasp and slammed the door behind me.

Gallys POV-

Y/n slammed the door behind her and I snapped my head to look at Newt. He looked like he just saw a ghost.
"What exactly did I say to you, shuck face? Stay away from her!"
"Gally, please just leave me alone. She was here when I woke up. The only thing that could have prevented that happening was you not knocking the klunk out of me." Newt growled. I narrowed my eyes on him and turned on my heels leaving the med jacks looking for y/n. She was talking to Thomas and I immediately knew what was going on. She looked like she was going to stab me, so I quickly started to walk to the forest.
After wandering through the woods for a while, I thought I was safe. I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around and it's y/n.
"What was that for?" I groaned.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Gally? Why would you ever, shucking hurt him?" She hissed at me.
"Listen, I'm sorry, okay. I don't know what came over me, y/n."
"Well, it's not good enough. You caused Newt serious harm. You could have shucking killed him, klunk head!" She yelled, pushing me against a tree.
"I'm sorry. I mean it. I don't know what was going through my head. I just care about you so much and it annoys me seeing you getting so close to him." I say lowering my head.
"Jealousy? Wow, Gally. You've hurt me a lot. You say that you care about me, but you've hurt me, what... 5 times already? And you nearly killed Newt. I can't accept that. Not yet at least. We can talk, but I'm sorry, I can't be involved with you right now. The amount of pain you've put me through this week alone, is shucking terrible." She says, giving me one last push against the tree.
I watched her walk away. I felt so broken. Nothing matters anymore. I've messed up and I can't go back... I quietly sobbed not having realising it had gotten dark.

Y/n POV-

"Hey, Greenie." Thomas said, waving me over to the table. "Sit over here." Chuck said, patting the table eagerly. I made my way over and sat down with my tray of food.
"Hey, guys." I said as I planted myself down next to Minho and began eating my dinner. This is so good. I think while eating. I could hear everyone chatting at the table whilst I was eating. I couldn't be bothered talking, so I just sat there and ate.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn my head to see Alby.
"Hey y/n, I need you to bring this to Newt please. He still hasn't gotten out of bed." I hopped up and took the tray out of Alby's hand.
"Sure thing." I said with a slight smile.
"Ohh and y/n, can you also have a look for Gally? No one's seen him in hours."
I gave him a small nod and headed to the med jack.
I slowly open the door to walk in and I see Newt asleep, cuddled up on his side.
He looks so comfortable..

I placed the tray down next to Newt. I didn't want to wake him up, so I just gave him a small hug before I turned around and left the med jack.
Where the hell is that shank?
I've been wandering around the glade for a while now. No sign of Gally, so I decided to check the last place I saw him. The forest.
I headed to the spot we were talking to see him slumped over at the base of the tree shaking. "Gally?" I say softly. He raised his head to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. I walk over and sit next to him. His eyes followed me the whole way.
"What do you want, y/n?" He says in a shaky voice. He looked so upset, so I didn't say anything. I just reached over and hugged him.
"I'm sorry too." I say pulling him in tighter. I felt his arms wrap around me as he pulled me between his legs, hugging me even tighter. His head was burrowed into my neck.
"I'm so sorry, y/n." He says sobbing into my neck. I softly started to stroke his head.
"Its okay." I whispered. "I just need some time to think." I say sliding my hand onto his cheek, it was soaked in his tears. He looked up at me. "Everyone's wondering where you are." I say pulling away from him "Let's go get you some food, c'mon." I say grabbing his hand and helping him up.
The next few weeks are gonna be strange. I thought as we headed off to the kitchen.

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