chapter 14 She doesn't belong to anyone.

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Thomas POV-

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof of y/n hut, i felt the cooled bed sheets beside me..she was gone. The room was empty, dark and cold, "where is she?" I whisper to no one in particular as I throw my legs over the side of the bed. My feet collide with the cold floorboards, I stroll over to the door and grab my shoes sliding them onto my feet.

I flung the door open just to be met with the cold air of the night and water splattering against me, I quietly closed the door behind me and strolled out into the quiet open glade, i looked over to the maze doors and saw y/n laying down on the grass looking up at the stars letting the cool rain splatter all over her, i start to walk over to her as a figure approached her and sat next to her.

Y/n POV-

I was laying on the wet grass in front of the maze doors letting the rain cover me, it was relaxing and helped me clear my head "hey love" I heard Newt say from behind me.

"hi" i say as i remain laying down with my eyes closed "how are you feeling?"


"Well that's good love but don't you think you should come inside because it's raining a lot, you could get sick" he says as he sits down next to me.

"I've been through worse" i say as i prop myself up onto my elbows to look at him, he said nothing he just looked at me and looked away "i'm sorry. For how I treated you and Gally, it's just. Everything is so confusing and complicated right now and i just can't seem to function correctly"

I say as I sit up onto my knees "cmon" Newt says as he stands up and stretches his hand out to me "what are you doing" i say blankly "c'mon it'll be fun" he says as he looks at his hand and back at me "fine." I say taking his hand.

As i stood up Newt pulled me close to him and started swaying in a horrible attempt to dance, after a while of us awkwardly dancing together we just broke out in a laughing fit as we danced around like we were drunk as the rain poured down on us, I hadn't realized how much i needed a distraction from my thoughts till now.

Newt POV-

We were dancing around and she was laughing, god how i had missed her laugh, she seemed happy.

Y/n grabbed my hands and we started spinning around i eventually tripped over pulling y/n to the ground with me, "sorry" she giggled as she looked down at me, "its okay love" i laughed as i moved a piece of her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear i left my hand on the side of her warm, soft face as we just stared at each other her eyes were beautiful i just wanted to stare into them forever.

Y/n let out and awkward cough and got off me and stood up brushing the dirt and mud off of her and extending an arm out for me to grab "well i better get going bye Blondie" she says awkwardly and scurry's back to her hut, i scratched the back of my neck well that was....odd i thought as i just stared into the dense forest next to her hut.

The silence was broken like a pane of glass as a sly voice spoke up "well well well...looks like you just blew your chances bud." Aiden says as he walks around to face me, his wet hair sticking to his bruised and bloodied face "what are you talking about" i ask raising a brow at him

"y/n" he deadpanned.

I narrowed my eyes at him "what are you trying to get at Aiden"

"Open your shucking eyes Newt, she doesn't want you. Or need you she has Thomas if you couldn't tell that by the way they cling to each other, i wouldnt be surprised if she was shucking him" he laughed

"she wouldn't do that, he was there for her that's all there not doing anything" i say poking his chest "then why is she cuddling him" he said smugly

"What are you talking about" i say as he circles me moving his face closer to mine until he stopped in front of me, i could feel his hot breath on my face as he spoke "just look at her" he says as he nods his head towards her hut, you could barely see her but she was standing up with Thomas her face buried into his chest she was shaking, it looked like she was crying and Thomas had his head on top of hers, his hand stroking her hair.

"You know nothing don't jump to things so quickly" i say glaring at Aiden,"aww is Newt afraid that she's found someone she needs more than him" he says taking a step closer to me "she doesn't belong to me or anyone, it's her choice and her life she can do what she wants" i was visibly getting more angry "she will never want you Newt. You're worthless. Why would anyone ever want a broken shank like you, can't even walk without limping" he smirked "your nothing...." He whispers in my ear as he pushes past me.

I just stood there.


Just me and my thoughts..

'Maybe i'm not good enough...'

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now