Chapter 22 Free

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Aris has been introduced sorry for all the time skips

Thomas POV-

I was sitting in the dining hall with a Grimm looking newt who was sitting in the metal bench next to me "how you holding up" i ask quietly not to draw attention "how can you even ask me that, you saw everything i saw" he snaps putting his head down into his arms "i'm sorry i didn't mean to-" i say quietly putting my hand on his forearm but he cut me off swabbing my hand away from him "save it." He spat "i don't need your shucking sympathy" he glared at me.

"Good evening gentlemen and ladies" Janson starts as he walks into the cafeteria " you all know how this works, you hear your name called please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me they'll escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin." He says as the room erupts in applause "connor, everlyn, Justin, peter, Allison, squiggy, Franklin and Abigail. now now don't get discouraged if i could take more i would there's always tomorrow your time will come" his voice bellowed as he shut his clipboard harshly leading the group of teens out the door.


Its like he isnt even there anymore, all he does now is stare at the wall in silence or silently cries under the covers of his bed, it's been weeks now and he rarely says a word anymore, whenever he does it's usually just one word answers, trying to hold or even start a conversation with him is like talking to a brick wall, whatever you say goes in one ear and out the other. He's not Newt anymore he's just an object.. At least that's what it feels like.

We escaped WCKD last night after we found out what they were doing with the immune.
"Can we take a break we've been walking for hours" Minho whined as we tracked through the heavy hot sand in the dark "we can take a rest here but only for a few hours, we need to get as far away from wckd as possible" i announced rewarding a victory dance from Minho.

 "you gonna try and get some rest?" I say walking over the sleeping forms of the remaining Gladers to newt "i don't know." He replies, staring at the coarse sand between his feet, I exhale as I sit down next to him "look." i say making him finally make eye contact with me for the first time since we lost y/n "i know this is gonna be hard for you to hear but i think we both know that she would want you to be happy and live your life to the fullest, she wouldn't want you to dwell on her loss" i say softly "you don't bloody understand" he cries "i want to be here for you but do you want me to?" I question rubbing the blondes back softly to try and comfort him "just go" he says quietly.

I woke to the sound of loud thunder cracking above our heads making some of the Gladers jolt "newt, hey get up come on let's go" i say shaking him "i see something" i say staring off into the distance "what is it, what..." newt says breathlessly as he scrambles off the ground "you see that" i say pointing off into the distance " its lights" Minho questions "we made it" Aris says in disbelief "lets go we gotta go" i say rushing everyone to run towards the building and away from the storm "come on come on lets go lets go people" fry yells as we slowly get closer to the building.

I heard shouting from behind me as I finally saw people make it to the door "get inside go!" Fry shouted as he ushered them inside as possible when lightning struck next to Minho and I sent us flying, making my ears ring. I looked behind me to see a limp Minho on the ground. "MINHO" Teresa screams as she rushes to his side "come on get him up" Aiden yells as fry and i rush to his side and drag him into the building.

"Watch his head" I groan as we carefully place him on the ground "who's got a light" Frypan questions frantically and Newt pulls one out of his bag "Minho!" i yell shaking him "c'mon Minho" newt says from behind me, after a second he groans in pain and sits up "there you go" Aris said relieved "what happened Minho questioned frazzled "i think you got struck by lightning" i said chuckling a little "think you can get up?" Teresa asked "yeah" he replies still in a daze "thanks guys, thought you would have left me for dead" he says as i put out a hand to help hoist him up "nice and slow you got this" i say as he steadies himself on his feet "what's that smell" Aiden remarks "behind you!" Aris yells, making us all jump back to see cranks running at us but seemed to be chained to the walls.

"I see you've met our guard dogs" 


sorry for the insanely short chapter its been a whilst since I've posted or even written to be honest and in just trying to get back into the flow of it and this is sort of just a filler chapter for the next chapter because i actually have plans for it unlike this one which i had no clue what to do or how to start it.

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now