chapter 17 How much more pain

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Y/N Pov-

It was cold, empty and cold. I was suffocating. I felt my life slipping through my hands. The last thing I catch is a glimpse of a newt's rippled figure from under the water making its way towards Aiden, and then suddenly everything was dark and peaceful. I could feel someone's mouth against mine as I inhaled sharply pulling me out of the dead zone. They pulled away as I started to cough up water all over myself and the person who saved me. How attractive, i hazly looked around. Everything was blurry and just like that I blacked out in the person's arms.

Newt Pov-

At this point I was wailing over Y/N limp body, there was a crowd around us, some people dragged Aiden to the slammer whilst others ran to go get the medjacks. In one last attempt I pressed my mouth to hers again and finally she took in a deep breath of air and coughed up water all over me but I didn't care. She was alive and that's all that mattered, she looked around in a daze before passing out in my arms i held onto her holding her body against mine and hugging her tightly when Gally ran out of the treeline "Y/N" he yells as he stops next to me and gets onto his knees, i look up at him with my tear stained and bloody face. "Is she alive.." he asks slowly grabbing ahold of her hand that was limp by her side i nodded slowly "thank god, i've almost lost her twice now" he breathes. I was confused but I didn't care, All I cared about was that she was alive. "She needs clothes," I croaked out.

Gally looked around for a second trying to find her clothes "Aiden must have hid them he says as he comes back down onto the ground with me. I reluctantly let go of Y/N so gally could pick her up and i took my hoodie off and put it on her, it didn't cover much but i was better than her being exposed to the glade.

Suddenly Jeff yelled from the treeline for us to get her to the med hut and with that gally started jogging to the hut with me close behind the two of them my vision fading in and out. I was so dizzy but I needed to make sure she was okay. I hope she'll be okay.

Gally Pov-

I shoved open the door and rushed over to a cot and laid her down on its newt following close behind. He collapses just before he makes it to the cot "get him on that cot" clint says pointing to the cot next to Y/n as Jeff picks him up and places him onto the cot he was fading in and out of consciousness and barely able to hold up his own weight. Clint was panicking "Gally I need you to go get them warm clothes and blankets. And hurry!" he says urgently.

I sprinted out of the medhut and to the newts room. I grabbed any blanket I could find and a bunch of his clothes. I don't know why I went to his hut but it was a good decision because he had more warm clothes than Y/n has. I entered the hut and threw the lot of blankets onto the end of the cot, jeff hurrys to the end of the bed and grabs out two pairs of hoodies, long sleeves and tracksuit pants and handed me one of each "you do her i'll do newt" he says as he goes to newts side.

I go up to y/n and peel the wet shirt off her pail body, I swiftly move to put on the long sleeve and hoodie. I grab the tracksuits and lift up one leg at a time, she was all bundled up now and so was newt. Newt groaned in pain and held his head " you okay mate" i say looking at him "as well as one can be after getting beaten up and crying" he chuckles sitting up a little, "what happened" i ask staring at him intensely "i was sorta being a klunk hole to her today, so i went to go and look for her and i heard aiden screaming that she should have died last night and that's when i saw him pinning her down under to water trying to drown her.... so i got him off her and he started beating me and i wasn't able to..i wasn't able to get to her in time she just stopped moving.. so i strangled him to knock him out and i dragged her out of the water and. You know the rest.." he mumbled, his voice cracking at different points "that shank is g-" i was cut off by Y/n waking up and coughing more water everywhere and starts sobbing "hey it's okay, your going to be okay" jeff says with a hand on her shoulder, i move over to her and give her a hug "where am i..why can't i see properly.." she says sitting up a little "your in the medhut, you drowned just relax you'll be okay" clint said as he cleaned up the water she coughed up.

Y/n Pov-

"Where is he" i continued to cry as the air burned and filled up my lungs "Aidens in the pit were going to have a meeting about him tonight-" gally was saying "no wheres newt" i say cutting him off my eyes watering even more " i'm right here love" i hear his soothing voice from next to me as he softly grabbed my hand i turned my head to see the blurry outline of newt he was laying in a cot too "newt" i say reaching out with my arms for him and crying i must have looked so stupid, he hopped up onto my cot with me and pulled me up onto his lap and i immediately started hugging him, burring my face into the crook of his neck and crying some more "jeez your freezing, gally can i have those blankets" i hear newt say and i got engulfed in warm blankets, i feel another pair of arms wrap around me as i hear gally say "its going to be okay i promise.."

Everything was black once again. But it was warm and comforting, and just like that the comfort I was feeling was ripped away from me as my dreams were plagued with nightmares. Aiden was there, repeatedly bashing me. It was like a slideshow of what he's done to me and it felt like I could feel every bit of it and then it went to the point of drowning. I felt him push me under the water and I started screaming, feeling the water filling up my lungs once again.

I was being shook awake by newt "Y/n what's wrong look at me what's going on" he says looking down at me arms either side of my head, turning my face to look at him i was shaking "are you okay, you were screaming" he asks me "he was hurting me.." i say quietly looking up at him, he lets out a deep breath and places a hand on behind my ear and looked down at me, this was when i got my first real look at his face "what did he do to you..'' I say as I raise my arm and trace over the bruises on his face causing him to flinch in pain "he wouldn't let me help you.. I tried my hardest and he just wouldn't stop. "I can see his eyes welling up with tears "well i'm here now because of you.. You saved me.." we just stared into eachothers eyes..

"Shuck it" he says and swiftly moves down to me pressing our mouths together, he positioned himself on top of me and pulled my neck closer to him to deepen the kiss i tangle my hands in his hair pulling it slightly, he groaned against my lips and grabbing hold of my waist he sits back and pulls me on top of him I grab the hem of his shirt and hoodie and start trying to pull it upwards, he pulls away for a second to take them off and swiftly grabs the side of my face with his hand pulling me into the kiss again, the other hand holding onto my hip under my shirt pulling me closer.

God I never wanted this to stop. His lips were so soft and warm and the feeling of his hands against my skin made me forget about the world around me. I shivered so he pulled the blankets up on top of us and now had both of his hands on my thighs and my hands were holding the back of his neck, i could feel his soft hands digging into them, i start kissing down his jawline and down his neck causing him to groan and move his head to the side to open up the area to me he was breathing heavily.
Suddenly i hear chattering outside of the door "klunk" he mumbles "pretend your sleep" he says looking at me so i shift myself to make it look like i'm asleep on his chest, not even seconds later the door opens and gally, jeff, clint and thomas walk in "how much more pain does she need to go through gally" i hear jeff ask "i dunno" i hear him breathe in response "whats going on here" thomas asks in a suspicious tone. I could feel that Newt was still breathing heavily and he didn't have a shirt on....shuck......

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