The Library of Records & Hidden Truths

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Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V

"You'll need some antibiotics for that and also some stitches. It seems the wound had gotten infected. No wonder, this cloth is... unsanitary." the calm nurse shined a light over the long cut. 

Selena Strauss sat in the bed in a hospital gown watching as she took up the medical kit from the side of the bed and a small notepad. Her friends stood at the door watching the nurse get to work nervously. 

"Alright I'll give you some hospital administered ibuprofen and get right back to you in a few minutes with some bandages. You already have some visitors , they can come in while I get." she smiled politely.

"Thank you." Selena waved.

The lady left and the four came in standing by their friend's bed.

"Well it could have been worst." Arlo shrugged earning a glare from his friend.

"Well I have you all to thank. If it had stayed this way any longer I wouldn't have an arm left." Selena joked.

Violet shook her head, "No need to thank us Selena. It's what friends are for." 

"Period." Sunny chimed in.

Klaus was the most quiet. He hadn't said anything since they arrived. Violet patted his shoulder.

"We'll go looking for the Library of Records now. Don't worry it will only take a moment."

Violet led Arlo out with Sunny close by leaving Klaus seated in the chair next to Selena's bed.

She examined his face in the dim light, "Klaus...are you okay?"

He lightly shook his head taking her injured right hand lightly in his.

"It's just. I don't know how much longer I can handle all of this. We can't keep living like this, especially when someone was bound to get hurt in the process. You got hurt Selena. I should be asking you if you're okay." his voice cracked as he held in tears threatening to show itself.

It wasn't a shock for her to see him in this state. But that didn't make it hurt any less seeing how broken he really was.

She brushed his tears sighing, "You don't have to worry so much Klaus. I'm fine and we will get through this."

They sat there silently taking in each other's presence. Klaus finally calmed down inhaling deeply.

"I-I'm just glad you are okay now. We'll find the Library of Records together and maybe somehow we'll get help and finally be free from Count Olaf." He strongly said.

Selena smiled at his determination, "That's the spirit. We can all get through this. I believe in you."

"Now go on. Nurse Lydia will be back soon to take care of me. Find out as much as you can and be safe." She lightly kissed the palm of his hand making a small smile brighten his face.

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