In Tears

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Selena's P

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Selena's P.O.V

I woke up a tad bit too early and rose from my bed in the corner near the window. Well not before letting out a big yawn.

I rubbed my eyes and looked over at the Baudelaires to see them still asleep. Pft and they say I sleep too much. I leapt up from the bed and walked towards Klaus who was sleeping with his mouth slightly open. I know just what to do.

I went back to my bag with my precious items and pulled put my small air horn. Should I wake him up......Nah!

I put the horn back into my bag and got dressed instead and decided to head downstairs to the grand piano i saw earlier. I felt the need to play a little tune on it ever since i saw it. I sat down at the piano and let my hands brush across the keys gently before letting out a sigh. I still remember the piano at my Aunt's house, the one she had gotten me for my birthday. I looked around real quick taking in the airy feeling, like someone was here. Well obviously people were here but I was getting strange vibes, I simply shrugged it off and started.

(Le song form da piano below(^♡^)and the link is. If it doesn't work.)

After I finished I stood and did a bow to my imaginary audience.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" I said in a silent cheery voice. If anyone walks in on me they would think I went mad-

"You have a beautiful voice." A tired voice whispered.

I swear I almost jumped out of my skin. Startled by the presence of someone I turned and saw the Baudelaires standing by the doorway with smiles on their faces. I turned beet red.

"Uh thanks." I mumbled and moved away from the piano.

"You have to teach me how to play the piano like that. I'm surprised Monty hasn't woken up yet by now though." Violet said.

She's right, where is Monty?

"You're right let's go find him." I said and they nodded in agreement. And from then on we started our search.

"Uncle Monty?!" Klaus yelled.

"Monty?" Violet chorused with him. But the sounds seemed to just echo throughout the house.

"Somethings not right." I said in a low voice. Klaus grasped my hand in reassurance.

"He's here, he has to be. Uncle Monty?" He continued to call out.

We made our way to the Reptile room assuming he might have probably slept there after doing some overnight work.

There was a chair facing in the other direction and as soon as we walked around the temperature in the room dropped to freezing cold. There was only one sentence running through my mind as I set my eyes on Monty's corpse.

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