Prufrock Prep

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Selena's P

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Selena's P.O.V

Alrighty. So we were dropped off at Prufrock Prep school by Mr. Poe and currently, we are waiting to meet the principal.

"I don't think going to school will be that bad. We are far away from Count Olaf and we can experience school together!" I exclaimed brightly. The atmosphere was way too gloomy and it was starting to get to me. They looked over at me and gave me a small smile.

"That is true. We should at least try to go into this with a positive attitude...." Klaus trailed off glancing at the principal's office.

We flinched as we heard the oof-tune violin.

"Alright if someone doesn't shut this guy up I will." I silently threatened glaring at the door.

Violet smiled a little and shook her head.

"I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for months," she said starting off down the dark hallway again. Here we go again with the doom and gloom. They are spoiling my vibe.

"Yeah. We've been here so long that Sunny is starting to look less like a toddler," he said. We all looked at her and surely enough she looks like she grew.

"Growth spurt?" she casually said.

"Aww, you're growing up!" I gushed tickling her side making her giggle. Klaus and Violet were still in their deep ominous monologue. Well, I can't blame them, we've been through a lot during the past month and it surely can weigh down on them.

I came out of my thoughts when a small girl with a pink dress and overly exaggerated smile came skipping towards us. I couldn't help the small smile I felt coming up on my face at the childlike display. very humorous.

"Hello cake sniffers," she said perkily. Wait....cake sniffers? Is that good or bad? I mean cake smells good.

"Hello, um-" Violet began as we got up.

"Um, um, um. Are you a blithering idiot? I am Carmelita Spats." she said gingerly smiling. Alright then. I have a feeling we are going to be bullied in this place already, but I definitely will not allow her to walk all over me. Narcissist right here folks.

"Alright then, well these are my siblings, Klaus and Sunny, and our dear friend Selena." she looked at me with peaked interest and asked the weirdest question I've ever heard in a long time.

"Are you an orphan?" The hell?

"No, I lived with my aunt. I decided to come along with them and keep my friends safe from harm." she only nodded thoughtfully.

"What does 'cake sniffer' mean?" Klaus questioned. It was obvious the only thing on his mind right then and there was to understand her logic because it made no sense.

"It means you're stupid cake sniffers, but I'm the most special girl in the whole school. I'm supposed to give you a tour," she said rolling her eyes as if it were obvious. Can someone be this narcissistic without a reason?

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now