I'm so sorry (A/N)

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Welp, I decided to unpublished this book a couple of weeks ago and decided to discontinue my writing until I finished my exams. I took way too much time using my phone and doing all sorts of stuff when I should have been studying, so I kind of just took away all the distractions for the time being.

And for that I'm very sorry. Even though I don't believe much people have bothered to continued reading this book but still I have to apologize.
I made an oath to myself to not be like other authors and finish my book to its entirety and I'm not stopping until it is complete.

But, now that my exams are coming to the end this week, I decided it was time to continue typing and to continue from where I have left off. I ask that you my readers will be lenient and take into consideration my apology and forgive me.

I did however bring a piece offering by finishing two new chapters so Enjoy!

I'll try my very best to have an update schedule, but at the same time I don't want to rush the process of writing this book because I want to be as detailed as possible with the scenes.

SHALOM my lovelies!♡

SHALOM my lovelies!♡

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