Ersatz Elevator

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Selena's P.O.V

We had finally got out of that god forsaken building known as school. 

We convinced Mr. Poe to allow Arlo to come along and after a brief discussion with his foster parents, they agreed. He wasn't kidding when he said they didn't care.

And what we were doing now you may ask?

Sitting in the back of Mr. Poe's car dying of boredom and worry. I suggested we play a game since Arlo would quit his wallowing. And because annoying Poe gives me great pleasure.

"Red like vampire blood." I said.

"Black as your soul." he responded.

"Dark blue like your mood."

"Green like a bean."

"Orange like a sour candy!"

"Pink as a baby's be-"

"OKAY! Selena and Arlo would you please refrain yourselves from playing this game." Mr. Poe finally snapped.

Klaus, Violet and Sunny glanced over at us in amusement as we grinned innocently.

"I want to play next." Sunny grumbled.

"You have been saying the colour of cars for awhile now...." klaus trailed off.

I poked his arm.

"You should try it. You're going to have frown lines if you don't stop worrying so much." I said looking out as we passed a sign leading to a dark and mysterious street. People bustled around in fancy tailcoats and buildings flashed bright lights. Wait a damn minute.......Oh no! I nervously fidget. Luckily, no one notices.

"With Duncan and Isadora captured, I don't think my mind can relax." Violet sighed.

"Hey, lets play-" Arlo started.

"Oh look we're here!" Mr. Poe rudely interrupted. I smirked, but quickly became serious. Our friends could be here and we must find them. We came to a stop and he turned looking at us.

"Now children, I know you must be nervous. I was a little nervous trying to find you a new guardian with a plus one and given your track record. But never fear, this is a very fashionable block. Much more fashionable than where you lived baudelaires, even though it's just a few blocks away." he spoke looking out his window.

Who the hell cares if it's fashionable? We're mainly here to find out where Duncan and Isadora are and because Prufrock was not safe at all. I'm just more worried about someone else. It would be impossible to bump into him here. Well not really, but there is a chance we can rescue them and get out of this city. I don't want to stay here. This place is too familiar~

"We're not concerned with how fashionable it is." Violet said anxiously. They could be here after all.

"We're more than nervous Mr. Poe. We're anxious. Our friends have been kidnapped by Count Olaf." Klaus spoke up.

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