Important A/N

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Hey beautiful readers who are still reading

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Hey beautiful readers who are still reading. I'm surprised lol 😂 But I just wanted to set some things straight. My update schedule is so out of wack.

I tend to rant a lot so I'll try to keep this as short as possible this time.

I've been struggling a lot with this book. Not in terms of idea. No that's not it, I have a ton of them and we are literally more than halfway through the story. I WANT to finish it, but it seems time is against me. And with time, my mind starts to slowly lose interest because I need to focus on other things...

Is this what most author's call writer's block? Cuz damn this hits hard 🤦🏾‍♀️

I am so behind on updates not because I am lacking ideas, but more because of the things going on in my life. School, family and just trying to set a major goal for myself in life.

I haven't been using my phone much either. Exams are constantly haunting me And here I am procrastinating more because I am stressing the hell out just thinking about it.

Christmas break won't even be a break because of all the damn assignments I HAVE to start/finish. Lately everything is going...weird (is that the word I want to say, idk)


If it ever comes to it, I might have to put this book on pause. Maybe even permanently 😗

But I still have some hope that I'll be able to do this. Just might ask my sister to help me with writing or anyone else I know (ha I don't even know anyone who would want to help me 😂)


Pfff, feels like I already said too much, but it's the honest truth. And I want to hold myself accountable for my constant absence. Not that anyone would really care, but still.

So this is just a quick pause, I have to get back to preparing myself for exams, arguing with people, buying presents and so on. 

This A/N is not to put y'all down, I just had a lot to get off my chest so now I think I can focus better on what I have to do. So wish me luck.

*If you have any ideas for me comment them, I'm reading them and I will gladly include some. Don't be shy ^-^




Also I wanted to point out that I am so damn surprised 🥲 No unbelievably happy!! I didn't even notice my book had reached over 14k reads, plus lookie here 👉

Also I wanted to point out that I am so damn surprised 🥲 No unbelievably happy!! I didn't even notice my book had reached over 14k reads, plus lookie here 👉

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I'm so hella proud. #1 in both?? What is this insanity??😂 Glad it's reaching somewhere tho lol.
And it's all thanks to you. Thank you 💕

I guess this is my wake up call too to get moving 💀 already on it.

I will update as soon as I have the time *My birthday is the 15th so I might do a double/maybe triple upload ;)

Excited for this area of my book because my reference game will
be at 100%

Until then, stay safe lovelies and for anyone who already celebrated thanksgiving, blessings!!!

Christmas is coming and I know some people are already feeling not as Excited or depressed, but just remember the people around you and that they are there. Think of the the things that make you happy and always remember you are loved.

If you need a hug I'm giving you one now *inserts hug*  Bye for now ❤

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