I don't know about you but I ain't no flower girl

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Selena's P

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Selena's P.O.V

I feel uncomfortable yet comfortable right now. I slowly opened my eyes and remembered that I had slept over with the Baudelaires. I stood up and looked over at the Baudelaires who were sleeping on the small bed.

Yesterday was not very pleasant, especially with the fact that they were now in Count Olaf's custody. I kid you not that if Count Olaf was anywhere near me right now I would punch his balls. Creepy old guy is an abusive prick.

Fluffing my messed up hair, I wiped the sleep away from my eyes and walked over to them.

I ruffled Klaus's hair and Violet's and they responded immediately by shooting upright in their beds. They looked at me before calming themselves. I felt sorry for waking them but at the same time amused.

"Do you guys have anything planned for today? I'm pretty sure no one's awake yet." I said. From the amount of wine glasses on the table from last night, I'd say they'd be knocked out for a while. I hope their hangovers are dreadfully terrible.

Violet held Sunny who was now awake.
She looked over at Klaus with a look that said she had an idea.

"We really should go to Mr.Poe and tell him about Count Olaf. " she said with hope filling her eyes. Even if that is the right thing to do, I don't think Mr.Poe is the right person to report this to. He is like a useless brick.

"He said we can visit him if we had any questions. We don't, we have a complaint." He said taking in the fact that it will sound like they're complaining. I decided to step in at this point.

"Even if it does sound like a complaint, you should at least try. The best thing you can do right now is pray that it goes well. If not we'll figure something out." I said while walking towards the door.

I opened the door trying my best not to create any noise and looked into the hallway. I heard a door opening and a disheveled Count Olaf coming out.
I gasped silently before closing the door quickly and quietly. There's only one way to get past him at this point.

Turning back to the Baudelaires who had questioning looks on their faces, I put my finger to my lips. I walked closer to them so they could hear what I had to say.

"Alright, so Count Olaf's awake now and is down the hall doing God knows what." Pausing for a second, they slowly took in what I just said their faces turning into looks of defeat.

"But I do have to leave now, so that will provide you with a chance to escape to the bank." I said in a cheery voice. They immediately smiled in gratitude.

"You don't have to do this. We can always find another way." Klaus said. I shook my head.

"Klaus, I promise I will be fine. Even though I'm dealing with this deranged man, that doesn't stop me from wanting to help."

He hesitated before nodding.

"Get ready. As soon as I open the door I'll leave a crack. That gives you time to see if I'm downstairs from the top of the stairs. I'll make sure his back is turned to you so you can sneak out. Promise me you guys will be quick?" I said raising my eyebrow. They nodded their heads. They all gave me hugs goodbyes and I promised them I'd be back soon.

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