Past Repercussions

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A/N: Thank you for reading this far and voting 💛.(Over 7k reads........dayumn). A post for my birthday and more to come this month cause I love December. Happy Holidays!!!

 Happy Holidays!!!

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Selena's P.O.V

Ever since I was young, I knew moving on from the past would only be temporary and certain problems may resurface in the future. 

And now it has happened. Nothing could prepare me for this moment. The initial shock, turned into anger, disgust........what I'm pretty much saying is that I wanted to hurtle my shoe at this persons face.

My Father.

The most vile horrendous, heartless being I have ever met.

That is saying a lot since Count Olaf has literally murdered a lot of people, but no.

This man is a bloody demon. And for the first time in years, he has the audacity to come up to me.

I reluctantly turned and stared at him with an emotional façade to keep me from showing my true feelings. Mostly my seething anger.

"I didn't think you would still be around here." I simply spoke. There was no way I would greet him with a smidge of kindness.

He only awkwardly smiled nodding his head.

"I see you've made friends." he cleared his throat acknowledging them.

I didn't turn my back to look at them because it was obvious they were confused. I kept my stare on him.

"My name is Ricardo, Selena's father." he introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you-" Klaus began.

"Can we go now. I have other things to do." I whispered moving away from him.

He didn't even stop me as I made my way into the restaurant followed closely by Arlo, Klaus, Violet and Sunny. My mood was already in shambles and I couldn't regain my focus. Already my thoughts were clouded.

The restaurant bustled with waiters and staff piling in. I immediately went over to a corner with them trailing along.

"Well- that was really awkward." Arlo was the first one who broke the lingering silence. 

"Selena, if you don't mind me asking...." Klaus trailed off.

"No. It's alright. You've already met him and I wouldn't want to keep secrets from you. Considering how manipulative he can get, might as well tell you, but" I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, "I will explain it to you later though; you have to promise me from now. You can't acquaint yourself with this man." 

"Why?" Arlo asked.

I shook my head looking over as I pointed over to him talking with Count Olaf.

"He may seem like an alright man on the outside, but on the inside, lets just say he has a talent of making allies with the wrong people. Plus, we have worse problems, twelve o'clock." I spoke and we all turned and saw Count Olaf's henchmen dressed up as waiters.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now