Winning yet losing

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Third Person Narrative

Back to where we left off. The Baudelaires and Selena were not so lucky. The program went on night after night after night. And they grew more exhausted every time. Acute boredom. It didn't help that they were no closer to figuring out what he was up to and no longer knew anything but exhaustion and the torturous running and playing of an instrument. Then one day, they finally broke down and couldn't handle not being able to sleep, and with that school time was sleeping time.

"Pop quiz. Everyone grab a piece of paper and write down everything they remember about the time I spilled soup on my sweater, including the vegetables in the soup, the washing instructions for the sweater and the number of geese on the farm." Violet's English teacher droned.

Violet was not awake for the lesson, however, and was silently snoring in the back of the class. That session was a complete waste I tell you that. Now over to Klaus.

"Pop Quiz! Question number one. What is the circumference of yesterday's pomegranate? Question two, what are the dimensions of the vault at Mulctuary Money Management? Question three, how far apart in decimeters are the security camera? I need you to really pay attention to these numbers and give me exactly what I'm asking for." the math teacher announced.

Klaus slept soundly in the back as well, not hearing one word of the whole lecture. The bags under his eyes were incredibly prominent. No one noticed since they were working and didn't pay attention to anything else. Now to our favorite baby Administrative assistant.

"Dear Mr. Mozart, I have now written you six times and I can't think of no possible reason why you have not replied. Perhaps you're afraid of a little competition? If I'm not mistaken, you've written 41 symphonies. I've written over 4,000. I'm writing one right now. It's called, Why won't you Write Me Back?" vice-principal Nero spoke.

The baby at the typewriting machine, however, was not recording a single thing and was resting her head on the keys. She may have dozed off a couple of times now. To their friend Selena.

"Okay class, I hope you have been studying key tones and notes we need this week because we will be focusing on playing instruments. Remember to take keynotes because I want each of you to play for me soon. No Zacharia, we will not be using the tuba. Vice-principal Nero has finally given me permission to give you string instrument alone, so we will be learning how to play." the music teacher announced watching them scribble notes.

Selena blankly stared out the window with glazed over eyes and once in awhile jumped awake and fixed the bandages wrapped around her fingers, courtesy to Arlo. He noticed she wasn't exactly with the class and took it upon himself to write down notes, she would definitely need them when the time came to play.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now