A Fortunate yet Unfortunate beginnings and delicious cupcakes

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Klaus Baudelaire's POV

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Klaus Baudelaire's POV.

In all my years of living with my parents, I had never expected anything bad or so unfortunate to happen to us. But after hearing the news from Mr. Poe, I still find it hard to believe they're really dead.

I just want to wake up from this never ending nightmare to the be around my mother downstairs or Violet and Sunny telling me we are going to go out together as a family. Sadly the truth is as unpleasant as the reality I am living in now.

We had stayed the night at Mr. Poe's house and believe it or not they weren't as hospitable as you would have thought or believed.

To my great displeasure, Mr Poe's wife was a news reporter for some newspaper article. I wasn't listening to her rambling but Violet being a kindhearted person was graciously thanking her that night for letting us stay, which Mrs. Poe didn't give such a good response to.

Now we are in Mr. Poe's car on our way to our new parent,a guy named Count Olaf.
"Your parents have instructed me specifically to put you in your closest living relatives home, Count Olaf that is, which is very nearby." Mr Poe said happily as if we were supposed to be happy over the loss of our parents.

"Does he understand what close living relatives mean?" I asked looking over at Violet who was holding a quiet Sunny.

"I don't think so." She responded giving me the same look I was giving her.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at our destination, stopping in front of a big house with a beautiful outdoor garden if i do say so myself.

Mr. Poe got out of the car first having a bit of a coughing fit before straightening himself and taking the lead walking up to the house with us in toe. He pressed the doorbell.

A couple of seconds later we heard murmuring before the door was abruptly opened to reveal a small girl with sparkling, brown doe eyes and a cute baby face.

"Why hello little girl. My name is Mr. Poe and these are the baudelaire orphans. We are here to see Count Olaf, may we speak to him."Mr. Poe said with that never fazing business tone.

The girl's nose scrunched cutely up a bit, probably from confusion or distaste before she directed her gaze to us  smiling a friendly smile,before abruptly turning back to Mr. Poe.

"Oh right sorry...Aunt Strauss! Mr.Poe and the Baudelaires are here!"She yelled before turning back to us after hearing a response.

Suddenly, a woman with a judge like appearance stood by the door placing her hand on the girl's shoulder smiling softly at us.

"Hi Mr. Poe nice to see you again and this must be the orphans. Hi children my name is Justice Strauss." She said politely before turning to the girl,"And this is my niece Selena." She said with enthusiasm evident in her voice.

"Hi welcome to town Violet, Klaus and Sunny baudelaire. I hope your doing alright thus far from the news I've heard." She said in a calm tone which made me feel at ease in an instant.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now