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Klaus's P

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Klaus's P.O.V

What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? That's all that went threw my mind as the hooked guy forced all four of us upstairs.

Meanwhile Count Olaf was having cake downstairs for this so called amazing theatrical performance. Before we left Justice Strauss in her library I had managed to grab the book on Nuptial Law. I'm pretty sure this will help us understand what Count Olaf is up to.

The hooked guy pushed us upstairs and into our small room.

"Get into your pajamas and say your prayers, unless you're an atheist." He said giving us menacing looks. I looked beside him to see an uncomfortable Selena. He had his left hook on her shoulders and she looked to be distressed.

"You can't keep us in here." Violet said. She was as sick and tired of Count Olaf's antics as I was.

"You know what type of people say that? Prisoners." He responded looking like he could care less of what we had to go through.

"Listen to us Count Olaf is-" I started to speak bit he immediately cut me off with his icy stare.

"No, no you listen to me little boy and you listen to me carefully. The only reason Count Olaf hasn't torn you limb from limb is because he hasn't gotten ahold of your fortune." He said making his right hook clink for an effect," Did you ever ask yourself all of you? What reason would he have to keep you alive once he's gotten your money?" He said grinning at us in a mocking way.

Not much really and I wouldn't want to stay long enough to know.

"That's what I thought." He said sinisterly before turning to a frightened Selena.

"We need to get you fitted for a flower dress Missy. Let's go." He said and pulled her out the doorway with him.

Once he was gone I looked at Violet with worry in my eyes. I hope she'll be alright.

"What are we going to do now?" She said. Immediately an idea popped up in my head.

"I don't but I do know what I'm gonna do." I said taking out the book I borrowed.

There has to be something we've been missing to this whole scheme.

Selena's P.O.V

Hooky, I decided to call him that because of his hooks, led me to a certain room. He opened the door and threw me in before closing it.

"This is where you'll be staying for the night under Count Olaf's orders." He grumbled.

It wasn't as bad to me as everything else in this house.

I turned my attention to hooky who seemed a bit out of place and he was fiddling with his hooks.

"Do you like? Or..." he said looking less threatening than he did a few minutes ago.

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