'A Marvelous Marriage'

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(A/N: her flower girl dress can look anyway you want

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(A/N: her flower girl dress can look anyway you want. I don't have a specific preference but I do imagine it being blue because I like the colour.)

Selena's P.O.V

We have a huge problem now which prevents us from taking further possible actions. The monster put Sunny in a cage and threatened Violet into marrying him tomorrow. Don't even get me started on his big scheme. I should have taken them with me or at least found solid proof that he is indeed a madman. Sadly not even my Aunt noticed what was staring her right in the face.

I could always try to persuade her out of it early, but there was a huge obstacle in my way at the moment. Big buff guy had placed me in the same tower room as Sunny and locked the door. Even if I got the chance to get help, that would surely trigger the execution of Sunny's demise.

Shaking my head from the bustle of thoughts in my head, I turned away from the locked door just in time to notice hooky. I walked over to him, even though he is the enemy and watched as he stood up with a nice (y/f/c) dress in his hooks.

He looked pleased with himself before speaking.

"Do you like it. It took awhile to be made." He questioned.

I gave him a little smile.

"It looks really nice, though Hooky you do know that I am a bit disappointed in you now right?" I told him giving him a serious look. He noticed my change in mood and frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I know it kinda looks really bad to have a baby hanging off of a building, but boss's orders." He said sternly. I crossed my arms and gave him a stern look.

"One day Hooky, one day..." I said not looking in his direction anymore. I took a seat on one of the stools in the clustered room and looked over a Sunny who hung over the balcony.

I gave her a look of reassurance even though hope was running low at the moment.

"Everything's going to be alright Sunny. We've gotta figure something out sooner or later."

"Yeah right" she mumbled behind the tape around her small mouth.

She now seemed to have calmed down a bit and we made some conversation here and there. Thankfully enough, Hooky was being solemnly quiet as a sign of respect.

Violet's P.O.V

I can't believe it. Not only did we miss our chance of being free but now Sunny's life is in jeopardy and I have to get married to Count Olaf against my will. We were forced into our room and locked in unable to do anything. The only kind of good thing is that Selena is with Sunny and from the minute we've met her she has a way of calming people in the toughest situations.

That put a part of my mind at ease that Sunny had company, but there are more problems. If we try to rescue Sunny and get caught she'll be dropped from the cage for sure not to mention that Klaus and I have to come up with a way to get out of this marriage which seems almost impossible at the moment.

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