You Again!

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Selena's P

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Selena's P.O.V

After a 'wonderful experience' in the Reptile Room we all headed into the living room. Now me being the person I am I immediately got bored after five minutes of sitting around and decided to find some music to listen to. Right on a book shelf was a record player and I played a jazz record which made the atmosphere less boring, but my friends thought otherwise giving me a look.

"What? Just lightening up the atmosphere." I shrugged.

Monty was gone to God knows where and we are just here chilling, but in my terms that means finding a couch and jumping on it. I couldn't help the burst of giggles that left my lips as I pivoted up and down on the couch. They gave me weird looks.

"It's fun you should try it!" I yelled and laughed even harder at their facial expressions.

"You amuse me every day Selena." Klaus said while shaking his head in amusement.

I calmed down a bit and sprawled myself on the couch like a lazy sloth.

"Hey Violet." I called over to my genius friend.


"Where's Monty?" I questioned with my fist positioned under her chin. She shrugged in response signaling she didn't know as well.

She was busy on the floor playing with Sunny while Klaus was looking through some maps that he found. Monty came barreling in after a while.

"Bambini! Baudelaire and Strauss Bamnini!" He yelled and came into the room. "Ah there you are. How was your day?" He asked.

"I polished the tortoise and Sunny fed it some bananas, Selena re-arranged some glasses and Klaus clipped the iguana's nails." Violet informed him.

"It got messy." Sunny remarked.

"Oh thank you I'm so grateful. Perhaps when I'm out you can lure the androgynous cobra out of my sock drawer." He said in delight. Like that would happen, I actually high tailed out of there a long time ago.

"Already done." I said motioning toward Violet who held the slimy reptile in her hands.

"Where are you going?" Klaus questioned seeing Monty's attire.

"Well I'm going into town and to pick up a few things I like to keep in stock. Wasp repellent, canned peaches, a fire canoe and then tonight we'll go see a movie. Doesn't that sound exciting?" He questioned us after he casually listed off.
I leaped in excitement.

"A MOVIE!!?" I questioned shaking Klaus. He smiled at my enthusiasm.

"What movie are we seeing?" Violet asked.

"Well we won't know until we get there."

"Well I've never heard of a movie theater that doesn't tell you what movie is playing." Klaus spoke giving a suggestive look.

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