Carnival visit

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A/N: Hi lovely readers

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A/N: Hi lovely readers. It's my birthday so I'm posting 2 new chapters for you & fixing the rest for more updates. Sorry if they're not as long, but I did as much as I could. Second one will be up later. Enjoy!! ❤😊

Third Person P.O.V

When the two had arrived at the carnival it was now dark. The engine of their motorcycle sputtered to a stop and Selena quickly hopped off with Arlo carefully looking around the area. They hid it carefully behind the stacks of hay laying around.

The carnival area was definitely run down, but the few things that stood out were the Big Top tent emitting bright light and Count Olaf's empty car.

"Well at least they're not out here." Selena lowly whispered looking over at her shaggy brunette friend.

Arlo looked around the area past crates, "Yeah, but where are the-"

His question was answered as an apple hit his head making him wince in pain.

"Okay. Ow."

Over by a big stack of crates, Klaus, Violet and Sunny waved them over. The two scrambled behind the crates looking at their friends in relief.

"Super baby almost knocked me out. Thanks." Arlo sarcastically drawled while Sunny smiled innocently.

"You're welcome."

"So I take it the trip was safe and successful." Selena smiled looking over at Klaus who held piles of clothes in his hand.

"Well not exactly 'safe', but we're all here now and I have a plan!" he shot her a smile.

"And we need to use these." Violet reached beside her showing the two clothes.

"We're playing dress-up?" Arlo asked dumbly.

Selena snapped her fingers, "Disguises. Good idea guys. We can't exactly go walking around the carnival with a bunch of criminals roaming." Selena slowly explained to him.

"As long as I don't get the leprechaun fit." He took the article of green clothing throwing it aside then settled for some pants and a formal jacket.

"Hm... pass me those glasses apprentice."

"And I can already see where this is going." Arlo sighed giving her the robe.

A few moments later ...

"Alright, I might look like a harry potter knock off but this should work. See." 

Selena looked over at Arlo who was now dressed in a funny vest holding her 'book of spells and tricks' with a bag.

"Wizard roleplaying. Kill me." he grumbled under his breathe sourly.

"Oh quit whining apprentice!" she giggled.

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