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Hello new readers! I'm so excited because this is my first book after all. Please go easy on me guys because this is a fan fiction. I only own one character and that is Selena Strauss, the rest are from the cast of TSOUE.
I do take a while to update but don't worry I won't discontinue this story until it's complete \(°♡°)/.


Btw this is just a retarded prologue. First two chapters aren't long as hell and I'm too lazy to fix it. In the near future maybe, but trust me the chapters get long as hell.😏


It started as a regular day.

Waking up on Saturdays is one of the best things to me, but when you have an Aunt like Aunty Strauss then things can be a little bit different.


Ahhhhh, waking up in the mornings has always been a pain in my butt...this bed is so comfy.

"Coming Aunt Strauss!" I yelled with a tinge of annoyance in the tone of my voice.

Do you also want to know what I hate waking up to in the mornings? The bloody sunlight shining directly into my eyes. Always hated it.
Rolling out of bed (literally) I stand on my soft white carpets feeling the soft bristles between my toes. Man I love these carpets.

Taking a quick look around my custom made room I notice nothing seems to be out of place. I do this because I can be very paranoid and I always hated sleeping without my light on at night.

Walking towards the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick shower so I didn't smell for the rest of the day.

After showering I quickly put on a pair of shorts and a shirt because I really don't feel the need to go outside anyways. Leaving my hair in its natural waves because I am too lazy to put it in a ponytail, I start brushing it ever so gently

Walking downstairs I notice there is a wonderful bakery type of smell coming from the kitchen.
As I walk in I see my aunt rushing around with flour and my already prepared and laid out breakfast on the counter.

She does love to bake occasionally from time to time but from the look on her face it must be for another reason.

"Um Aunty Strauss why are you baking so early in the morning? Is it a special occasion I should know of?" I questioned her. She turned towards me with a mixing bowl in her hand smiling half exhastedly.

"We're having new neighbours. I'm not sure if you read the newspaper but the baudelair mansion was destroyed by an unfortunate fire," she paused sighing deeply from the effect it must have had " the children Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire had survived but their parents perished in the fire, so they are moving in with our neighbour Count Olaf." she stated with a half hearted smile on her face.

Those poor children, they must be utterly devastated. But I don't think that it is particularly safe for them to move in with Count Olaf. The things I've heard about him is that he is a cruel actor and probably struggling with his acting business. And from the appearance of his house it does not seem like the appropriate place for three children to live.

But I don't think I should judge him seeing as I have never met him before and this could give me an opportunity to meet him and make new friends.

"But are you sure them moving in with Count Olaf is a wonderful thing" I mumbled softly, taking a seat at the counter where my breakfast was situated.

"Selena Marie Strauss I thought I grew you up to not think so badly of people. I'm sure Count Olaf is a nice man and is likely be taking them in out of the kindness of his heart,"she sternly stated waving the spoon at me "Oh and to answer the rest of your question I am making red velvet cupcakes for the children if they decide to come over to our house, so after you eat your breakfast could you be a dear and help me?" She said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"You know you don't have to ask aunty I'll help as soon as I finish eating." I said smiling sweetly from my area at the counter.

"What a sweetheart you are going to be when you grow into an adult, playing with the boys hearts!" She squealed in excitement pinching my cheeks making me blush slightly looking down.

"Aunt Strauss stop it your making me blush." I said giggling softly.

Finally paying attention to my abandoned plate of food I can't help but marvel at the masterpiece my aunt made.
Pancakes and bacon strips YUM!!
I start to nibble at my bacon strips while watching my aunt run around the kitchen looking like a mad goose.

The Baudelairs are coming to our small community.I better get dressed so I can meet them. I hope that Count Olaf will be a suitable parent and a good man from how highly my aunt spoke of him. If not you know what they say 'kill em with kindness'.

Breaking away from my endless line of thoughts I quickly finish my chocolate chip pancakes and bacon and put my plate in the sink. Going towards the fridge I decided to have some apple juice before I helped my aunt with her work.

After my delicious breakfast I start to help her with the ingredients, being extremely careful because sometimes I tend to be very clumsy. Mostly when my day is going wrong.

In less than thirty minutes she had gotten the cupcake trays into the oven whilst I was finished with my special strawberry cream I was going to top it all off with.

"Thanks for the help sweetheart. You can go and do whatever you are planning to do today now. I'll be in my room if you need me. Listen out for the oven for me please and thanks." Aunt Strauss said before heading upstairs to her room which is to the direct left of mine.

Sigh...what to do....

I've got it.

I started to rush to the living room which is directly across from our massive library which I normally go to on Sundays.

Plopping down on the couch I go to the cartoons section. Sometimes the inner kid in me wants to be let loose you know so I decided to watch some spongebob...because I can.

I paused the show and quickly went to the kitchen for my bag of hot cheetos. Even though I just had breakfast I am satisfying my cravings which consists of the need for good quality food.

I went back to the couch and started to indulge myself in the classic comedic spongebob shows while munching on my excellently crunchy hot cheetos.


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