What a pedo and what's with the haircut?

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Selena's P.O.V

Have you ever felt so bored that you decided to make a prank phone call because of that boredom?
Well guess what?I am officially a stalker and not to be narcissistic or anything, I think people should be thankful I am stalking them cuz I'm so awesome and amazing. Hehehehe.......I need to go to sleep.

So let me break it down for ya. After the Baudelaire's had left to Count Olaf's house my Aunt has been ranting and ranting about how great they are and how we'll become the best of friends. In all honesty, I'm fine with that because I find it hard to make friends with people in real life. I mean calling is okay but seriously physically talking to someone drains me of energy. Quite frankly I suck at making friends, but aye I have all the time in the world to choose who I want to hang out with.

Aunt Strauss has decided that we should surprise the Baudelaires with a cooked lamb leg. But seriously why hurt cute little lambs people there are many other sources of food not to mention vegetables God has provided you with. R.I.P lamb, your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Back to the subject at hand, she's now bustling around in the kitchen while I am being the happiest lazy person in town lying on my couch on my usual stalking spree.

24 minutes later \(-  -)/

Surely enough she had managed to finish the lamb. I smelled the meat of the poor lamb wafting around the living room.
My complete distaste for the death of such a wonderful animal was written all over my face as I walk into the kitchen.
I see my Aunt looking at the hot dish of lamb leg with pride making my nose scrunch up more than it already was. I sat down on a stool with my face propped on top of my closed fist watching as she finally noticed my presence.

"Selena there you are, I was just about to call you and tell you we are heading over to Count Olaf's house. Seeing as you loom decent enough I'll just head upstairs real quickly. Guard the lamb and decorate it fore me please and thank you." She said, totally disregarding my obvious hatred of seeing a lamb's cooked leg.

She darted out of the room to dress back into her usual attire leaving me to gaze at the cursed lamb leg.

It took me awhile to get over it before I started to decorate around the piece of lamb with pieces of lettuce, and slices of tomatoes in an intricate design. I placed them gently in different directions and kept sifting the plate until I was fully satisfied with my work. Needless to say I completed my beautiful masterpiece with minutes to spare to rummage through the fridge for something to have a bite of.
I grabbed a can on whipped cream and and started to have some, no wonder Aunt Strauss can't find whipped cream when she needs it. I may have a bit of a habit when it comes to stealing from the fridge, but I don't think Aunt Strauss minds because she would have done something about it a long time ago. I'm surprised I'm not fat by now.

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