Hospital Admittance

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Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V

The firetruck came careening down the road as the youngest Baudelaire skillfully drove in a straight line.

"Maybe there's a gas station close by? We can stop there." Selena sat up wincing as pain shot through her arm.

Arlo quickly reached out checking her arm which was still bleeding, "Yeah and they might have some bandages or something."

Klaus sat in the front with Violet scanning through the map. The area was practically desolate. But his silent prayers were answered as he pointed to an area on the map.

"Last chance General Store'. An ominous name... but it will have to do." he fixed his glasses.

"It probably means it's the only building for miles." Violet noted.

"A last chance is better than no chance. Let's see what we can find." He turned to the young Strauss seeing her smiling slightly in assurance holding her arm.

The thing is Klaus was getting very worried. She had started to get paler by the minute throughout the drive. It could be possible that her wound was getting infected.

They did use an old cloth to try to stop the bleeding when she fell and didn't check if it was even sanitary. 

He could only hope they could get some medical supplies or something to help her.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of sputtering coming from the firetruck. It slowed to a stop and Klaus looked over at the glass seeing the arrow was way below red.

"Out of gas...but we should be close by." Arlo leaned forward looking out the window.

"I'll come along. Just incase." Selena heaved herself out ignoring their concerned looks.

It wouldn't be wise to stay in the firetruck seeing as Count Olaf could be trailing their movements.

They all got out leaving the firetruck behind. Klaus held Sunny close, Arlo walked beside Selena making sure she wouldn't fall and  Violet took the empty cylinder from the back carrying it in her hands.

Violet looked up, "Over there she pointed to the small shop across the road." 

It was a tall slanted building, marked 'LAST CHANCE'. 

"Last Chance general store. An ominous name." Klaus stopped looking up at the sign.

"It probably means it's the only building around for miles." Violet looked around pursing her lips.

"That is a bit unsettling." Selena commented looking around.

"I guess a last chance is better than no chance. Come on, let's see what we can find." Klaus nodded assuringly leading her with them.

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