The miserable mill

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Third person P

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Third person P.O.V

The Baudelaires and their faithful friend were hitchhiking in the back of a presumed market salesman's truck keeping low to remain undetected by the oblivious truck driver.

As they travelled along the road past the forestry scenery, they were keeping a low profile and staying seated silently watching the many green trees and occasionally jolting at the feeling of the car jerking from the potholes.

"Hey, what's so important about this Lumber mill?" Selena asked Klaus curiously.

He looked at his friend who was leaning against one of the many crates of oranges.

"Our parents were there a long time ago. Oh! I forgot to show you the picture." He murmured.

He reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out the slightly crumpled photograph, the only photographic evidence of his parents he attained ever since the fire. Selena examined the picture and Klaus pointed out their parents.

"They look so happy and Uncle Monty was with them as well." She commented and looked over at Violet who agreed. They all missed the feeling of security that they were forced to leave behind.

Violet held Sunny in her arms at the right end of the truck and was keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. She felt incredibly horrible for leaving Mr. Poe with Count Olaf, but they had to check out this Lumber mill.

"They would have loved to meet you." He whispered quietly. She smiled in return and went back to watching the scenery. A peaceful silence, one that they all hadn't felt in a long time, blanketed over them. To say they didn't enjoy it would be a very very very very very very stupid, dumbass lie.

"I hope Mr. Poe isn't worried about us." Violet commented breaking them out of the relaxing moment.

Klaus, Violet and Sunny just gave her a look and she nodded saying right. They all knew he was pretty much a lost cause from the beginning.

Violet pushed herself up into a kneeling position to see what was in front of them but immediately ducked when the driver saw her. He stopped the vehicle and after a lengthy argument they were left on the side of the dusty road.

"Welp we're now stranded in possibly the middle of nowhere." Selena commented looking up into the sunny sky.

"What now?" Klaus asked.

"We walk." Violet said.

"Walk?" Sunny asked making up her adorable face.

Selena laughed and took her from Violet.

"It's alright Sunny, I'll carry you." She said.

They trekked their way through the forest and Selena couldn't help but stop a few times to admire the stillness of nature and the occasional squirrel that caught her and Sunny's eye.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now