What do you mean 'There's no more chocolate?'

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Selena's P

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Selena's P.O.V

I am so hungry that I can't even stand. I slowly pushed myself off of my spot in our massive library and dragged my feet on the way to the kitchen.
I need something delicious, mouth watering and sweet. I need something that will provide me with a feeling of happiness.


That was the only thing on my mind as I walked into the kitchen looking like a zombie. Just to be on the same page here, I am a child with a big appetite and I need to eat in order to grow and I am not fat so that's a bonus! I don't have to work out all the time.
Walking in the kitchen, I noticed that my Aunt was baking dessert. This was my attempt of trying to help her feel better and it has also benefited me because now I can have a second treat to eat. I think I need to cut down on the sugar so that I don't get diabetes.
Diabetes isn't good kids eat healthy and exercise. But don't follow me because I only stick to one side of that statement.

Directing most of my attention to the fridge, I opened the fridge doors and began my search for that bar of heaven.

Two minutes later.....

I can't believe it.

There's no chocolate at all in that fridge. No frosting, bars or even a pack of kisses.

I closed the fridge door and looked over at my busy Aunt.

"Aunt Strauss." I said giving away a hint of an undertone in my voice. She stopped bustling around the kitchen when she heard me, clearly surprised I had came downstairs. "Yes dear." She replied. I inhaled deeply for a more dramatic effect.

"There's no chocolate in the fridge." I said, my voice cracking slightly at the loss of a wondrous opportunity.
"Selena honey, I will be preparing dinner soon, and besides you've had your fill on sweets. Too many can rot your teeth and they won't ever grow back again if they have to be removed." She said in a both strict and concerned way. So I can't have any chocolate?

I pouted slightly before sitting on a stool and watched as she continued to walk around the kitchen.

"Aunt Strauss, I think I'm dying." I said resting my head on my closed fist.

"Mhmmmmm." She said turning to me with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"Well if you want your dinner so badly then why don't you come and help me?" I

I tapped my chin in thought looking at her with slight determination.

"If I help will I get chocolate!" I said feeling my hope returning gradually. She shook her head at my childish behavior.

"Maybe. Now come help me make this dessert." I hopped off the stool and put on my apron that was by the cupboard.

"What exactly are you making?" I questioned her, leaning against the counter. She gestured to a bowl filled with what seemed to be chocolate.

"It was going to be a surprise but I guess you had other things in mind." She said smiling brightly. The smile on my face grew as I jumped from my position to embrace her in a hug.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now