Sad endings and a new beginning

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Selena's P.O.V

He looked down at us menacingly

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He looked down at us menacingly.

"You'll never get away with this." Klaus seethed stepping in front of me.

He immediately put on a innocent face, "Get away with what? I'm just a captain romanticizing a fierce and formidable woman."

"You, a sea captain. That's laughable." I commented shaking my head.

"Oh yes I am, it says so on my business card." He said pulling out a piece of paper.

"Business cards on business cards don't prove anything. Anyone can go to a printing shop and have cards made that say anything they like." Klaus pointed out.

"Well you're just full of facts aren't you Klaus. Facts and facts and facts! But non of them do you any good. Just like poor Uncle Monty and your parents, may they rest in ashes." He said nonchalantly stepping towards us. We all moved back as he closed in.

He looked at me with a fixed gaze and that urged me to move faster until we were near the front door.

"Oh Captain Sham!?" Aunt Josephine hollered from the staircase.

"Aunt Josephine we have to tell you something important." I started but Count Olaf surged forward and put his hand over my mouth and brought my head to his chest coddling me like a baby.

"That's right! That's right! Stay back Josephine! There are lit candles in here, everybody remain calm!" He yelled and dragged me by the arm to the table and blew out the candles. He stroked my hair in a calming gesture to add to the dramatic effect and I cringed.

"The danger has passed full stop the orphans tried to engulf your entire house in flames and they almost burnt this little girl's hand off. Luckily I was there to prevent any damage, it's fine now." He said and patted my head like a dog gripping my arm tightly holding me in place beside him in warning.

"Oh thank you Captain Sham." She said gratefully.

"Please, call me.......Julio." he said with a weird constipated look on his face. Does he do that when he's 'acting'.

"Julio." She said looking down at him from the stairs.

"Now, now. Let's get a fried egg in you madam." He said and went to help her down the stairs. I stood beside the Baudelaires with a sneer written on my face.

"Though the orphans would like to say sorry, wouldn't you orphans." Count Olaf said smiling evily at us.

"We are very sorry." Klaus 'apologized'.

"Well speak no more about it Baudelaires, clean up the dishes and go to bed and no more candles. I can't believe you almost burned your friends arm off. Selena, I'm putting you in charge of them while I'm gone." She said and checked my hand for any burn marks from what 'Julio' said.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now