A Race against time

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Violet's P

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Violet's P.O.V

Sunny had just finished dinner and i put her to rest. It has been hours since I've last seen Klaus and Selena and I'm beginning to worry and rethink about my decision. What he said had really gotten to me, am I making the right decision?

I barely even acknowledged Phil when he sat beside me.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon. Why don't we play a game of solitaire to pass the time." he said.

I snapped my attention from my half eaten dinner and nod. He's right, they can handle themselves. He rambled on about the cards and I couldn't help myself from drifting away from the conversation. I stared the window looking at the illustrations of the moon and stars, finding comfort.


"hmm?" I hummed glancing back at him.

"That's not a window."

"I know" I whispered looking back down at my food.

The other workers started moving to their beds and shortly afterwards the lights went out, leaving the dim light of the candles shining on my face.

"Lights out." Phil said softly and blew out the remaining candles on the table. Leaving me in the dark as I heard his soft footfalls retreat.

The darkness engulfed me and reflected so much of what I felt right now. Ever since my parents died, I feel like I have been left in the dark. Now I not only have the responsibility of keeping my siblings safe, but to also keep this small family we have left together. I don't think my parents would approve of how I'm doing so far. Not only are we on the run from a despicable man, but we also have no one else really to turn to.

I let out a sigh and stand from the stool, ready to try and sleep, but i stopped when I heard the door creaking open.

"Klaus!" I whisper-yelled. and went up to him embracing him in a hug. When the action wasn't reciprocated I backed away to observe him properly.

"I was worried, you were gone so long. Where's Selena?"

He ignored me and walked towards our bed. Why was he so quiet? Is he giving me the silent treatment?

"What was it like inside the eye? Klaus? You're smiling....." I continued questioning him, but received no response in return. He kept a robot-like physique and had a small smile etched on his face. Okay this is really starting to creep me out.

"I'm happy to be here Sir." He drawled monotonously.

"What? I'm not Sir, I'm your sister. While you were gone we overheard Sir talking to Charlie. He said he made a deal to cover something up. There is something big going on here." I tried to coax on a conversation.

Klaus only turned away from me and got into the bed where him and Selena slept.

"I guess it's been a long day. Would you like to go to sleep?" I pursed my lips. He had a right to be angry with me. I can deal with his silence for now.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now