Chores, chores and wait......MORE CHORES!!

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Klaus Baudelaire's P

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Klaus Baudelaire's P.O.V

Well if I'm just gonna say that Count Olaf is indeed not a suitable guardian at all. I have never seen a person like this before until just now.

Let me put it plainly out there. He locked us in a room with one bed to sleep on. Three children to sleep on. We practically don't have anything in this room except a dirty bed and a pile of rocks. Not to mention the room was very dirty that i felt i was going to come down with a cold if i stayed in here too long.

So now Violet, Sunny and i are looking
around at our new room we would be spending probably the rest of our lives in. I turned to Violet, distraught clearly written on my face.

"It's okay Sunny he's gone now. " She said in a reassuring voice to Sunny.

I now wish that Justice Strauss was our guardian because she seems so nice and caring. Not to mention staying with Selena and getting to know her better.
But i guess our parents had other plans for us because now we are stuck with Count Olaf. Positive thoughts Klaus, positive thoughts.

So now we are in a room with absolutely nothing to do except stare at a wall, but this also gave me time to converse with my siblings.

"No it's not okay, did you see the tattoo on his ankle?" i said, gripping my hair to show my frustration.

Violet sat beside Sunny turning to me, her expression showing distraught and stress. Even though we were alone for now we kept our voices low.

"Tattoos are just decorative pigment on skin, its not a sign of a wicked person." She said soothingly.

"Unless its on a wicked person." I remarked, holding my hands together for some form of comfort.
"Why would our parents put us here?"

"Its just a mistake it'll get sorted out, until then we'll make this our home." She said looking around the room for a second before focusing on me.

"Mother used to say home is where you hang your hat, but we don't have any hats. Just rocks." I said feeling another wave of depression go through me as i glance over at the pile of rocks beside our bed.

"Cause..have you read any books where people make homes in different places?" She questioned trying to make a point.

"There's a village in the pacific islands suspended on ropes above an active volcano." I said feeling a bit better.
"How did they manage?" She questioned me again,"they owned very little incase it erupts."

"Then were only one step ahead because we own nothing."

"If they can survive that, we can survive Count Olaf."I said finally noticing where this was going making me feel better.

Suddenly the door was slammed open, interrupting our moment. He carried a metal bucket and a mop with a sinister smirk written on his face.

"Show time." He said chuckling at our expressions.

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