Chapter 42

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[Bucky's POV]

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[Bucky's POV]

I watched as Laurel and Ally got ready together for Tony's press party.

I'd insisted on not going so I could look after Annabel whilst Laurel got to have fun, but Pepper's sister was watching Morgan in the tower and had insisted that Annabel would be safe with her.

Aside from this, these parties just weren't my scene and I tended to avoid the press at all costs. I wasn't exactly good in front of the camera or press like Steve and Sam were. They were vultures and I saw no need to suck up to them.

Ally told us that she would leave earlier than us to watch Annabel if we wanted so we could enjoy some time as a couple which we appreciated.

I couldn't help my heart pounding however at the thought of leaving the most precious thing in the world to me in the care of someone else, even if they were in one of the safest places on Earth surrounded by security and Avengers.

I knew the heavy weight I'd carried on my shoulders since Hydra and the Avengers, and I couldn't bear that the weight was now on Laurel and our daughter; a burden no one should be forced to carry.

I was the most tired I'd ever been in my life, yet I was still struggling to sleep, jolting at every little noise in the night, checking on Annabel more than necessary to make sure she was safe. And whenever I did sleep, those familiar nightmares crawled into my peripheral of Annabel being taken and of Laurel being hurt again.

I really hated my mind sometimes. It wouldn't let me enjoy the good stuff. But I had double the amount of people to protect now, and if that was the sacrifice, then so be it.

The last few days that Ally had been here had been medicinal for Laurel. Her British accent returned stronger than before, she had laughed so hard she'd cried and she seemed more relaxed. I was so happy for her, having that small piece of home.

Sometimes I forgot how much she'd been through and how much she'd had to give up. She was the toughest person I ever knew.

I couldn't draw my eyes away as I watched Ally curl Laurel's golden hair through the gap in the door whilst I bounced Annabel on my lap. Laurel's bright green eyes were sparkling, and she had the most beautiful midnight blue dress on. I couldn't believe how incredibly lucky I was, I had to remind myself every day this was real and not some cruel trick of my mind.

"How did I get not one, but two beautiful girls in my life?" I whispered to our daughter as she gazed up at me intently, clutching tightly onto my hands which looked so large compared to hers.

Her own blonde curls were starting to appear already yet her eyes were forming a blue not dissimilar to mine. I still had to pinch myself every day this was my life now.

All those times I was strapped to that metal chair...all the pain, suffering, blood and death, and here was new life, so pure and fragile and loving. The Winter Soldier would never have been able to predict his future. I didn't deserve any of this, but I'd sure try to make up for it. I wished suddenly that my mom or sister could see me now.

Entwined (A Bucky Barnes story - 18+)Where stories live. Discover now