Chapter 49

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6 months later

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6 months later

[Laurel's POV]

It was a sticky September day, the sun sweltering down, which was unusual given it was nearly Autumn.

The heat warmed my skin, as Bucky and I both enjoyed a rare day off work, sitting in the back garden on a bench Bucky and Steve had made.

We sipped our lemonade to cool us as we watched our daughter playing on the blanket in front of us happily.

She had grown so much in the last half a year. Her hair was longer now, but still blonde curls like my hair. And piercing grey-blue eyes like her father. Her features resembled that of Bucky, she even had the same frown lines between her brows when she was deep in concentration which made me smile.

However her attitude was already taking that of mine, as Bucky had joked.

"Mamama." She gurgled as she held out a book to me.

I smiled at her and sat down next to her as I took the picture book from her, opening up the cardboard pages and making appropriate noises at all of the pop-out features.

Annabel giggled as I gasped at each page turn and a dinosaur leapt off the page. I looked up at Bucky who was beaming and snapping a picture on his phone.

This was the life.

We'd had near bliss for the last six months. A couple of missions each, here and there, but nothing other-wordly, or serum related.

I was beginning to take more of an intelligence gathering and analyst role slowly, transitioning me out of field missions as I thought about the need to be around for my daughter's future. I wanted to see her go to school for the first time, get her first job, pass her driving test, go to university if she wanted, find love and more.

Bucky was still doing odd field missions, but these too were less frequent as the recruits we were helping every now and then to train graduated and were able to take on more missions.

Bucky's nightmares and mine, were lessening too. We were sleeping better, had more time for each other and Annabel and had even had a couple of weeks back home in London with Ally's family. Life was good. Finally.

It didn't stop my worries and fears from creeping in at night, they would always be there, like a small voice in the back of my head poisoning my thoughts, but that voice was quieter than it used to be.

I stood up off the blanket when I'd finished going through the book and sat back up on the bench with Bucky, looking at the photo he'd just taken.

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