Prologue v1

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It was quite a bit cold out for me, if I was not going to lie to my self, as it felt a bit extra cold, when there were no other cats around me to warm up the air that I was in. It was not even leaf bare just yet, but it kind of felt like it was already here. I was alone, and I had no one with me to help me, and I had no one to support me, or to help guide me through these rough and quite stressful times to be a leader of a clan none the less. What was I talking about though? A leader of what clan? Every one had left me up to this point, as I had done my best to try to convince them to stay, and I tried to talk about the Starclan cats at the exact same time as well.
They just laughed at me how ever, and they just scoffed at the words that I had told them about, as it made me feel quite a bit sick. I was starting to think that Starclan might not be real at all, if I was not going to lie to my self, due to the fact that they had not come in to help me at all, and they had not tried to save my clan. What had I done wrong to deserve all of this? I felt the wrath of Starclan, but I was not so sure as to why they had done it to me. I knew that they had to be real at the exact same time too how ever, due to the fact that I had known that I had gotten my 9 lives from them quite a bit of some time ago. I knew that had to be real for certain, as I knew that I had died more than once, as I had tried to save a clan that had left me in the dust.
I stared down at the dirt that was beneath me at the exact same time as well, as I felt like I had seen it coming for quite a bit of some time at this point now. At first I had been a little bit excited, due to the fact that Riverclan had fallen apart, and they had left the territory, so we had agreed to split the land with Windclan, as we were allies in all of this. It had seemed to go well up to that point, as sure, we all had known as to why it was that they had fallen apart, but no one had cared at all about it. Perhaps, if I was going to be perfectly honest with my self, that was where I might have messed up, and I might have gone wrong, as I had not given a care in the world as to the fact that a clan had fallen apart, as I instead had just been excited to claim some more land for my now non existent clan.
Things seemed to be going alright after that point, but when the Medicine Cats began to stop meeting each other every half moon, that was when thing seemed to go really bad, as shortly after all of that had happened, then Skyclan fell apart even faster than Riverclan had, as they had seemed to be doing just fine for a while, when we had met at the last gathering. But, just like Riverclan, that had then soon disappeared, though when it came to Riverclan, we had seen that coming for quite a bit of some time never the less. It was a bigger surprise when the borders seemed to grow a little bit stale, and we walked in to see that the camp was empty, and that no one was around.
At first, I had been a bit worried for them, due to the fact that I was worried that they had been attacked, but as we looked around the territory for just a little while longer, we then began to realize that they had all just left, just as Riverclan had done. I felt a bit bad, and I felt a bit sick about it at the exact same time as well, but when we had broken the news to the other 2 clans about all of it, at the next gathering, to my surprise at the exact same time as well, as a lot of it had been my very own clan that had done as such a thing, no one had seemed to have any sort of remorse as to the fact that they had gone missing how ever. That was when I had began to realize that every thing was starting to go bad.
My deputy, had wanted to claim a bit of the land that Skyclan had owned, and so had Thunderclan. In the end, we got in to quite a bit of a heated debate about all of it, as we had given the fair offer as to the fact as to how we could split it in half, but clearly that was not good enough for Thunderclan, and they did not view it as any sort of fair, due to the fact that we had already gotten half of Riverclan already. It was fair enough, but after we even gave up all of the land to them, that did not seem to be enough for the hungry leader of Thunderclan, as they had snuck in to our camp one night, and had killed a lot of our warriors, and a few of our queens at the exact same time as well, as it made me feel sick as to the fact that they had done such a thing.
I should have seen it coming, as I had seen the evil look in the eyes of the leader of Thunderclan, as I had also seen the big smile that she had on her face at the exact same time too. That was when I knew, at that very moment in time, that the clans were doomed. I had gone to Windclan, to get the help of my ally, and my long term friend, the leader of Windclan, Kettlestar, but he had declined the fact that he would help us, as he had told me that he had a lot bigger problems to worry about than the fact that we were fighting over a little bit of territory. I had done my best to tell him that it was not about the territory, but he then told me that his wife had been killed, and he had a new deputy take over, which had been his son Youngtail.
I suppose that I could under stand the fact that he could not help me at all, but it still hurt me as to the fact that he had decided that he was not going to help me at all, as I let out quite a bit of a rough sigh to my self, all at the exact same time as well. As I did my best to try not to have my focus on any of that for all too much longer, as I felt like I should just let it be fate, and destiny at this point, as to just what it was that was going on with not just my clan, but all of the clans, as I was sure that it would not last all too much longer when Thunderclan became even more greedy, and even more hungry for more land, and more territory, as they then came in to the camp of Windclan shortly after all of that.
I shook my head, as I then got my focus off of all of that, all at the exact same time as well, as I heard voices from not all too far away from me, which kind of made me freeze up a bit, all at the exact same time as well, as I really did not have much as to a clue as to just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time any ways. It then came back to me all at once, as I then felt just how cold that it was in my camp right now, as I remembered that Thunderclan had taken over my territory, and that it was all gone, and it was all over now. Normally I would be a little bit afraid right now, but that was not the case at all how ever, due to the fact that I knew that they just left me alone in my camp, as they felt like they should not bother with me at all at this point, which I was okay with.
They could have my land, and they could have my home, but they could not have my den, which they seemed to be okay with. I was ready to die here, as I knew that I was on my last legs at this point now. I had lost my 8th life not all too long ago, when Thunderclan had attacked our camp. It made me forfeit my land to them, as there was only 7 of us left when all was said and done, as the most of them had either left already, or they had died. After I had in fact given up my camp to them how ever, that was when my deputy had given up on me, as she took the rest of the remaining clan members with her, and they went to go live at a near by two leg place, at least, that was the last that I had been told, and the last that I had heard from them.
It was fine with me, if I was not going to lie to my self. I stared up at the night sky, as I wanted to almost cry to my self at the exact time, and yell to them for help. I was not all too sure if they would even listen to me how ever, as it kind of felt like they had given up on my, and they had given up on the clans at this point. It was over now, and I was starting to realize that more and more, with each passing second. I felt like I should just give up, and I should just give in now. Maybe it was meant to be this way, for all that I knew. I let out a bit of a rough sigh to my self, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden stared at one star in particular, all at once, as well, as I then began to speak to it.
"Why? What else did you want from me? I did my best to try to tell them, but they did not listen... I couldn't do any more... I am an old cat now... I can't force a bunch of cats to stay... Plus, I don't even know if they would even still be alive now if they had stayed..." I said to the star that I was staring at right now, right at this very moment in time, as a few tears seemed to drip from my eyes, all at the exact same time too, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should even be doing right at this very moment in time any ways. I sighed just a bit to my self, as I felt like I was not talking to any one, and this was all just a waste of time, as I was sure that they had given up on me at this point, as I knew there was nothing that I could do to save my clan.
I felt like I could not help but to curse up at the Starclan cats that I felt like were staring down at me, right at this very moment in time, as I almost felt like they were laughing at me none the less, which only seemed to upset me even more than I had been before. I hissed at them, as I then moved a little bit, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I was wasting my time with them, as I felt like a little bit of an idiot for thinking that they might help me right now, after what it was that they had done, and what it was that they had let happen to my clan. I sighed just a bit to my self, as I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts, all at once, as I felt quite a bit hungry, if I was not to lie to my self either.
I looked around me all at once, as I then stared at the prey pile that was normally stacked up quite a bit high on a night like tonight, but sadly, that was not the case at all right now, as there had been no cats to go out and get food for the clan, that no longer existed in this land any more, well, unless you wanted to count Thunderclan, as they had taken my territory, as well as the fact that they got the half of Riverclan that came with it. I was so hungry, but there was nothing around to fill me up right now. I felt like, I was far too old to go up, in the middle of a night like tonight none the less, and get some prey for my self, at the exact same time as well, as I felt like, if I was to get caught by Thunderclan, than I might be getting my self in to a bit of some trouble, as, after all, this was in fact now 'their land'.
I did my best to try not to worry about it at all right at this very moment in time, as I looked down at the grey fur that had taken over for my normally orangish and ginger colored fur that I had before. I also saw the fact that my ribs were poking out of my fur, due to the fact that I had not gotten any thing to eat in quite a few days. It was going to be another day for me to not eat at all as well, as I stared down at the ground for just a bit of some time, and I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh, all at the exact same time as well, as I was not all too quite sure as to just what else it was that I should do at this very moment in time any ways, if I was not going to lie to my self.
I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts from my head, all at the exact same time as well, as I got my focus on the thoughts that felt to be a lot more important right at this very moment in time any ways, which was of course the fact that I knew that I had to get some sleep at some point soon, as I was quite a bit worn out, even though I had just spent my entire day in my old camp, being quite a bit lazy. It was time for me to die here soon though, and I knew it. So why not now? This felt like it was the perfect time for me to pass along. As I thought on those thoughts, I was just about to close my eyes, when I all of the sudden heard a voice start to speak to me, from not all too far away.
I was a little bit lost as to what it was that the voice could even be in the very first place any ways, as I tilted my head a bit, and I turned my head over to where the voice had come from at the exact same time too. My eyes then all of the sudden opened up quite a bit wide, as I was in some shock. There I saw, right in front of my eyes, was my now deceased daughter, as she had died a while ago, before all of this had ever happened. I felt like I was in quite a bit of pain at the exact same time too, as I knew just as to why the reason as to what it was that had made her pass along in the very first place as well. It was all my fault, as I had not taken her all too seriously when she had been an apprentice, as I had told her to simply, 'toughen up', which made me feel even worse to look at her right now.
She had said she had not felt all too good, and I had simply said that she just had a simple headache, but in the end it had been worse than that, as I had to come home to hear my wife screeching in pain and agony that day, to the fact that we had lost our only kit. Shortly after that never the less, my mate had taken her own life. I felt like I could not lock eyes with my kit at the exact same time as well, as I could see the stars all on her pelt, letting me know that she was now safe in Starclan, which I was glad, and I was happy for, but it still did not make me feel any sort of better. I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts, as I kept my head dipped a bit low to the ground, all at the exact same time as well, as I then began to listen as to what it was that my kit had to say to me, all at once.
"Here father... Take this mouse... There is only one thing that can save the clans now... You need to go to Windclan tomorrow... You must help a cat..."

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