Chapter 18: Something's Wrong

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I blinked my eyes again, as I was starting to lose a lot of my patience with this young cat, even though I knew that I should not. I knew that the clan code was supposed to be that a kit could not become an apprentice until it was that the kit had reached 6 moons old, none the less. My father had kind of broken those rules, but then again, those were rules that existed long ago, when there were still 5 clans.
Not only that, but those rules had been put in to place when the cats had believed in Starclan, never the less, as that was not the case any more. There had been a lot of rules in the warrior code that had been broken as of late, so it did not matter all too much to me that my father had made this kit become an apprentice when the kit was still less than 4 moons old.
The kit had been excited for it, and he was still excited at least, a little bit, as to the fact that the kit was glad that he was being trained to be a warrior. I had been happy, and I had been excited for it at first as well, as to the fact that I knew that this was going to be the first cat that I was going to get the chance to mentor, never the less, as that had in fact put a smile on my face, when I had found out about that.
I did not realize how hard it was going to be how ever, as I knew that I had to make sure that the kit was following me where ever it was that I was going, and where ever it was that I was taking him, all at the exact same time as well, as I was always worried that he was going to stray off, and get lost, quite a bit often, due to the fact that I knew that he still did not know our territory all too well, none the less.
There was also not just the fact that the kit had a bit of a short attention span that bothered me, but it was also the fact that I had been doing this for several days now, and the kit was still yet to even get close to catching any sort of prey what so ever, all at the exact same time too, which was in fact just what it was that we were out on Riverclan land to go and do right now, as I had got over the fact that MistStone was still living around this area, all at the exact same time as well.
I shook my head, as I got my mind off of that elder she cat, as I got my mind on the fact that TinyKit was going after a small little vole that was not all too far away from us, all at the exact same time as well, as I had told him to go and try to catch it, never the less, as I had already caught 2 mice to go back to camp with, none the less, so I was not all too worried about not having enough prey, even if it was getting colder and colder by every single day, and it was getting harder and harder to catch some prey.
I once again got my focus off of all of that, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden squinted my eyes at the young kit, all at the exact same time too, as I watched the young kit do exactly what it was that I had told him to do, in order for him to be able to catch that kind of prey, none the less, as I just seemed to stare at him for quite a bit of some time, as I knew that at the very least, he had in fact been paying attention as to just what it was that I had told him in that aspect.
I was in fact glad, and I was happy for that, none the less, but I knew that it was more than likely highly unlikely that he was going to be able to catch this vole, even if it was that he tried his hardest none the less. He just was not fast enough, as I felt like I wanted to be upset, and I kind of wanted to curse at my father for making this cat the cat that I was going to mentor, but I did not do as such a thing how ever.
I knew I needed to control my anger, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden blinked my eyes a few times, as I did my best to try to calm my self down a bit, all at once, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus on the reason as to just why it was that the young kit was not able to be fast enough to catch prey such as this, none the less.
It was just simply due to the fact that the cat was just too small to be able to chase down it's prey, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that there was a reason that the kits name was TinyPaw after all, never the less, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to not get all too angry, and not get all too upset with the young kit once again.
There was also the fact that not only was the kit very small, but the kit was also very young, so it was highly unlikely that the kit would in fact have a chance to catch any sort of prey if I was not going to lie to my self, as I let out a bit of another soft sigh to my self, once again, as I did my best to try to calm my self down to the best of my abilities, as I watched TinyPaw get closer and closer to the vole.
I kept my eyes squinted at the both of them, for just a little bit longer, until I then all of the sudden saw TinyPaw, to no such sort of surprise, seem to stop him self, all at the exact same time as well, never the less. At first I was a little bit worried that it was due to the fact that the kit was all of the sudden beginning to start to have 2nd thoughts on the fact of the matter as to just whether or not the kit did in fact want to catch this prey, and whether or not he wanted to kill in, none the less.
I then began to start to realize that it was not the case what so ever, how ever, as I knew that it was simply the fact of the matter that the young tom kit was simply doing as to just what it was that I had even told him to do in the very first place as well. That was of course the fact that he needed to stop just before it got next to his prey, so that it did not catch him. Shortly after that, which I watched TinyPaw go on ahead and do, he then all of the sudden jumped right over to the vole.
Just before he got close enough to catch the vole how ever, the vole all of the sudden then began to sprint away in the other direction, before it was that it seemed like TinyPaw even got the chance to try and catch the vole, all at the exact same time too, as I watched it all of the sudden run off, and I watched I all of the sudden begin to just disappear in all of the brush that was all over the place, all at the exact same time too.
I blinked my eyes all at once, as I then all of the sudden began to start to hear the young kit begin to start to curse him self out, as he said a lot of words that I felt like not any kit should be able to know at the age that he was at, all at the exact same time as well, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, as I made sure not to get all too upset with TinyPaw, as I watched him begin to start to head over to my, with his head quite a bit low to the ground, all at the exact same time too.
At first, I did in fact want to get upset at the kit, for many reasons, one of them due to the fact that he some how did not get that vole when he was so close to it never the less. He had some how just still not yet been fast enough, as the vole had gone away, all at the exact same time too. Then, there was also the fact that the young kit was also saying a bunch of bad words that no kit, and no cat for that matter, should be saying as such a thing.
I just let out a bit of a heavy sigh to my self how ever, as I did my best to try to not get all too upset with the kit right at this very moment in time too, as I knew that the kit was simply upset at him self, and I did not want to make the kit start to feel any more down about him self, all at the exact same time as well. I blinked my eyes a few times, as the young kit then all of the sudden began to start to get closer to me, all at once, as I then saw him dip his head a bit low to the ground, as he then all of the sudden stopped him self right in front of me, all at once.
I stared at him with a bit of a blank look on my face, all at the exact same time too, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do right at this very moment in time any ways. I just decided to shake my head at the kit, which I hoped that he did not think that I was upset with him, or if I was any sort of disappointed with him either, now that I came to think of it, as to just what it was that I had just done.
I was not disappointed with him what so ever, believe it or not, as I just was a bit sad, and I felt bad for the young kit, if I was not going to lie to my self. I then all of the sudden began to open my mouth, all at once, as I was in fact about ready to go on ahead and speak to the young kit, all at the exact same time as well, but just before it seemed like I got the chance how ever, the young kit did in fact decide that he was going to go on ahead and speak to me before I got the chance to do as such a thing over to him how ever.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I was a little bit surprised by it at first, but in the end, I did in fact nod to him, to let him know that I was in fact paying attention as to just what it was that the young kit even had to say to me in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time as well. The young kit did not seem like he was in fact going to nod back over to me how ever, as he just continued to keep on speaking to me, as I did my best to try to stay calm as he did, all at the exact same time as well, as I did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that he even had to say to me in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time as well.
"I am sorry that I am such a failure YoungTail... I don't even deserve to be a cat of Windclan... How am I ever going to be a warrior cat? I can't even do the basic stuff... I'm too small too even try to fight any ways..." The young kit said to me, as I was quite a bit surprised as to just what it was that the young kit had even said to me in the very first place any ways, as I stared at him with a bit of a blank look on my face for quite a bit of some time, as I was not all too sure what it was that was even going on with me.
It was clear that the young kit was a bit down on him self, and that he was feeling quite a bit useless, as it was that he had just admitted to be feeling, all at the exact same time too, though for some odd reason or another, I just could not think of any thing to say to make the young kit feel any sort of better, or try to calm him down, all at the exact same time too, as it did in fact make me feel a bit sick, all at the exact same time too.
I breathed in quite a bit to my self, as I knew that I was doing a terrible job as to the fact that I was trying to train TinyPaw, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that it was just as much my fault as it was his, as I knew that there was nothing that could be done what so ever, to make the cat bigger, stronger, and faster, never the less, as I felt quite a bit bad for it, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh to my self, all at once, as I felt like I almost wanted to curse out my self, such as I had heard the young kit do to him self all at the exact same time too, not all too much longer ago, never the less.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I did my best to try to stay calm, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden nodded to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at once, as I did my best to try to regain a bit of some sort of control over my thoughts, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that it was not all my fault, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that the kit was far too young to be an apprentice just yet.
I was in fact doing my job on the fact that I was training the kit to be a good and strong warrior cat, but at the exact same time as well, I also knew that I could not do all too much to be able to try to help the young kit, all at the exact same time as well, as I felt a bit bad for it, as I felt like even if the kit was in fact being a bit too harsh on him self, I did in fact feel like there was in fact a bit of some truth as to just what it was that the yoing kit had even just said to me not all too much longer before now, and before hand, none the less.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I just seemed to be staring down at the ground, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that none of this was either of our faults, as I knew that it was really no body in our clans fault as to just what it was that was going on right now, not even my fathers, as he was the one that had made me be the mentor of the kit in the very first place any ways, as I knew that my father did not have much of any other choice.
The kit could not do by him self in that lonely little nursery, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that even if it was against the warrior code to make me train the kit this early, and this young in to his life, all at the exact same time too, I also knew that my father did not really have much of any other choice how ever, as I let out another bit of a soft sigh to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of that, all at once, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus on the fact that I knew that I had to say some thing back to the young kit, all at the exact same time too, to try to calm him down.
I then all of the sudden lifted my head up to the young kit, all at the exact same time too, as I then stared at the kit right in to his eyes for quite a bit of some time, all at the exact same time as well, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, as best as I possibly could, as I then all of the sudden began to start to blink my eyes a few times, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of the rest of all of that, that I had been thinking about before.
It was clear to me that the young kit was feeling quite a bit low on him self right now, as it was clear to me that I needed to say some thing to try to calm him down, and try to make him feel at least a little bit better, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden nodded to the young kit, TinyPaw, as I then all of the sudden began to start to think of some thing that I should say to him, all at the exact same time too.
The kit looked at me with a bit of a blank look on his face, and a bit of an empty look on his eyes, all at the exact same time as well, but in the end, he did in fact nod right back over to me, to at least let me know that he was in fact paying attention as to just what it was that I even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, never the less, as I was glad for that fact, none the less, as I then did in fact begin to start to speak to him, all at the exact same time as well, now that it was that I knew that he was in fact listening as to just what it was that I even had to say to him in the very first place any ways, as well.
"When I was a young kit, such as you were... I was always jealous because my brother always seemed to be stronger and faster than me... He did things before I ever did... Do not be so hard on your self... You are moons younger than I was when I was an apprentice..." I said to him, as I then all of the sudden began to start to squint my eyes at the young kit, all at the exact same time as well, as I was seemingly trying to make sure that I knew for a fact that he had in fact heard, and that he had in fact listened as to just what it was that I had even said to him in the very first place any ways, never the less, as I was not all too sure as to just what else it was that I should really be doing right at this very moment in time any ways, as I then all of the sudden began to start to breath in quite a bit to my self, all at the exact same time as well, as I did my best to try to keep my self calm, all at the exact same time as well, as I felt quite a bit empty inside, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I was not all too sure as to just what else it was that I should say to the young kit for one thing, but also the fact that I also knew that I really did not like to bring up my brother, all at the exact same time as well. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I then all of the sudden began to start to see the look on the face of TinyPaw, begin to start to lighten up, all at the exact same time as well, as I was glad to see that it was in fact the case, as I then all of the sudden then did in fact begin to start to continue to speak to the young kit, once again, all at the exact same time as well. "Now... Lets go ahead and get back to camp before it gets too dark... We've caught plenty today..."
I looked at the young kit for just a little bit longer, as I felt a bit bad for just what it was that I had even said in the very first place any ways, once again, as to the fact that I felt like he might in fact get even more upset as to the fact that I had said let's bring back what 'we caught', even though it had simply been me who had been the one that had caught the both of the mice, all at the exact same time as well.
Thankfully how ever, it did not seem like he had thought too much in to any of that, all at the exact same time as well, as I saw that the young kit now all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, now then did in fact begin to start to have a big smile on his face, all at the exact same time too, as I was glad to see that the young kit was now all of the sudden beginning to start to feel a lot better, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden saw that he did in fact nod back to me, as a bit of a response, all at the exact same time as well.
Not all too much longer after all of that, never the less, I then all of the sudden saw that very much to my surprise, all at the exact same time as well, that it seemed like that he did in fact want to take the lead for the both of us, when it was that we were in fact about to go on ahead, and head back over to the camp, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden nodded a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down as best as I could, all at the exact same time as well, never the less.
It was clear that what ever it was that I had even just said to him in the very first place any ways, was in fact seeming to make him feel a lot better, all at the exact same time as well, thankfully enough, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, as I did in fact let the young kit take the lead, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that he was getting better with the territory, and that there was nothing that I needed to be all too worried about.
The worst that could happen was that he was to take us the wrong way, and that it was going to slow us down, which I did in fact know that I did want to get back to the camp as soon as we could, due to the fact that I knew that BreezeFoot was a bit upset at me, and that she was not all too happy with me, whether or not she would tell me, and whether or not she was going to admit to it, was a completely different reason than all of the rest of that, due to the fact that I knew that she felt like I was not spending enough time with her.
I felt lik I was trapped between a barrier, as I knew that I had to spend time with my mate, to make her happy, but at the exact same time as well, I also knew that I had to train TinyPaw, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that I was trying to mentor him, such as it was that the role that my father had given me, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that at first, she had been happy for me, and she had been excited for me, but that was clearly no longer the case what so ever, how ever, none the less.
She had not said any thing about it, due to the fact that she knew that I was simply doing my job as not only the fact that I was mentoring the kit, but also the fact that I was the deputy of the clan, all at the exact same time as well, as it meant that I did not get to spend hardly any time with her at all. Besides the fact that we still slept in the same nest together, all at the exact same time too, though, if I was not going to lie to my self either, I was starting to get a little bit worried that she might change that soon.
I felt like I was stuck, and I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do, as I knew that I should at least talk to her, and ask her about her day after the day that I had spent with TinyPaw... I did not at least do that how ever, as by the time that I got in to my nest, I was too worn out at that point to want to do any thing else, as I knew that I simply always just fell asleep as soon as it was that I was to get in to the nest that we slept with each other on, all at the exact same time too.
I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, as I knew that it was besides the point any ways, as I then all of the sudden began to start to get my mind on the fact that I now saw that TinyPaw had all of the sudden seemed to stop him self in place, all at the exact same time too, as I then began to start to breath in to my self, all at once, none the less.
I blinked my eyes a few times, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at once, as I felt like he was simply just trying to catch some nearby prey that we had just so happened to walk up on, all at the exact same time too, as I had clearly been too lost in my head right now, to even notice any of that, all at the exact same time too, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too.
How ever, when it was that I looked at TinyPaw, I saw that his head was up in the air, as it was clear to me that he was not trying to catch any prey, but instead, as I saw that his nose was seeming to move around a bit, that it seemed like he was trying to sniff out some prey, perhaps some prey that he had never smelt before, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I waited for him to then get his attention back on to me, all at the exact same time too.
I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, as I then all of the sudden saw that TinyPaw then all of the sudden turned his head over to me, and he then all of the sudden tilted his head at me, all at the exact same time as well, as it was clear to me that the young kit was quite a bit confused about some thing, which I felt like would in fact make sense, none the less, if it was that he had smelt a prey that he had never smelt before.
TinyPaw blinked his eyes a few times at me, as after just a little bit longer, the kit then all of the sudden nodded to me, all at once, as it was clear to me that he was about to speak to me, as it was clear to me that he was in fact confused about some thing. I blinked my eyes right back at him a few times, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, as I then all of the sudden nodded right back over to the young kit, once again.
I was clearly trying to let him know that I was in fact paying my full attention as to just what ever it was that he even had to say to me in the very first place any ways, never the less. I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as it felt like I possibly could, as TinyPaw did in fact finally begin to start to speak to me after a little while longer, after it was the he knew that I was in fact paying my full attention to him, all at the exact same time too. I then did in fact begin to start to listen as to just what it was that the young tom kit even had to say to me in the very first place any ways, none the less.
"What is that smell? That isn't the smell of prey is it? It seems... Oddly familiar..." He said to me, as I then all of the sudden saw him shiver, as to just what it was that he had even just said to me in the very first place any ways, as I was quite a bit lost as to just what it was that he had even said to me in the very first place any ways, none the less, all at the exact same time too, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down once again.
I was not all too sure as to just what it was that he was talking about, though it did in fact make me shiver, as to the fact as to just what it was that he had even said to me, all at the exact same time as well, if I was not going to lie to my self either. I blinked my eyes a few times, as the reaction that he had to just what it was that he had even said to me, had in fact been quite a bit strange to me too. I got my mind, and my focus off of all of that all at once how ever, as I knew as to just what it was that I should even do in the very first place any ways, none the less.
I knew that I should go ahead and sniff the air, to try to find out what it was that the smell that he was even talking about, and what it was that he was bringing up all at the exact same time too, as it more than likely was some sort of prey that I had failed to tell him about, all at the exact same time as well, never the less. Though some thing felt a bit odd about all of this, as some thing seemed to feel a bit strange to me, all at the exact same time as well, as I then all of the sudden lifted my head up, just as he had done.
I began to sniff the air, as I then all of the sudden felt empty, and I felt blank in side of my mind, all at the exact same time too, as to just what it was that I even smelt right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden began to start to breath in to my self, all at once, never the less, as the smell seemed to be quite a bit of a wretched smell.
I looked out side, all at the exact same time too, as I then also began to start to notice all at once, all at the exact same time as well, that the moon seemed to almost be red, all at the exact same time too, as the sun had already seemed to dip too low in to the horizon, in order for it to be seen, all at the exact same time as well, as I was about to curse my self for us getting back to camp so late, as I forgot just how fast the sun went away around this time of the year.
I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, as I did my best to try to stay calm, as I knew that the smell that I could smell right at this very moment in time, was in fact familiar to me too, as much as it had been to TinyPaw, none the less, as I knew that it was not the smell of prey, either. I did my best to try to stay calm, all at the exact same time too, as I did my best to try to think on just what it was that it could even be, all at the exact same time too.
As I began to start to get my mind, and get my focus off of all of that, all at once, it then all of the sudden began to hit me, as to just why it was that it was so familiar to me, all at the exact same time too, as to the fact that I had in fact smelt that smell before, all at the exact same time too, as of course, how could I forget the night that it all had happened, none the less? It made me feel sick, as I knew that the smell had been from the night that my brother had killed my mother, and I had killed him in return.
It still, did not seem to make all too much sense to me how ever, as to the fact that TinyPaw had clearly recognized the smell that was in the air, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that he had not been there with me that night, for sure, as he had barely even been born the night that had even happened, never the less, as I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, all at the exact same time too.
It was a bit hard, as the smell seemed to be fresh, and it seemed to be all over the air right now. I shivered once again, as it then all of the sudden began to hit me all at once, as to just why it was that the smell seemed to be so familiar to me, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that he had in fact been there with us when we had last smelt that smell, none the less. It was the smell of fresh blood, as I knew that he had been with me at the last gathering.
I gulped a bit to my self, all at once, as I felt like some thing was just not right with all of this, as it was clear that some thing was not right, and that some thing was going on in the camp, all at the exact same time too. I breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at once, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I possibly could, but that too was a bit hard for me to do as such a thing once again how ever, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I then all of the sudden looked over to TinyPaw.
TinyPaw had his eyes wide open at me, as it was clear that he was scared, as it was clear to me that he had seen the look of fear that had been on my own face, all at the exact same time too, as it made me feel sick as to just what it was that could be going on in camp right at this very moment in time too. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I then all of the sudden began to start to speak to the kit, not even bothering to make sure that he was paying attention to me, as I then went ahead and did as such a thing, never the less.
"TinyPaw... Let me take the lead in to camp... Something's wrong..."

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