Chapter 36: Do The Same

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I breathed in quite a bit heavily to my self, as I could see the pain in the eyes of MooseEars, as I almost wanted to laugh at him, or mock him such as he used to do when we used to be apprentices together, all at the exact same time as well, none the less, but I held off from doing as such a thing like that, as I knew that now for sure was not the time for me to be toxic like that, when I knew that I had just lost all that I had left.
I really had in fact thought that it had all been gone, hell, when it was that I had lost my mother, and when ever it was that I had lost my brother on the exact same day, but this just seemed to be getting worse and worse each and every single time, and it seemed to hurt more and more every time as well, which you would think that I would just be numb to it at this point in my life, from all that I had lost up to this point in the very first place any ways, none the less.
How ever, that was not the case right now, as I just seemed to stare at the tom cat that was right in front of me with quite a bit of a blank look on my face, all at once, as I was not all too sure as to just what else it was that I should really be doing right now, nor how it was that I should even react to all of this in the very first place any ways, either, as I just got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact been thinking on long before now, once again.
As I seemed to just stare out in to the darkness of the abyss, that was when I then all of the sudden began to start to see that there was movement that was going on all around me right at this very moment in time as well, that then all of the sudden seemed to get my attention on to that all of the sudden, as I tilted my head a bit, and I blinked my eyes a few times, as I did my best to get my mind, and to get my focus on to the thoughts of just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, never the less.
As I got my mind, and I did in fact get my focus on to all of those thoughts all at once, I then all of the sudden began to start to see, and I began to start to realize as to just what it was that was even going on all around me right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, as I saw that RabbitNose was still tending to the wounds of the young tom cat, all at once, which did in fact upset me quite a bit for some odd reason or another, to see her do as such a thing.
I was about to open my mouth up and say some thing about all of that, but I just kept my mouth shut instead, as I just did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could in the mean time. I breathed in quite a bit heavily to my self all at once, as I then all of the sudden began to start to see that there were in fact quite a few cats that I saw that were coming in to camp, as it almost seemed like they had felt what it was that was going on in the camp through the air as they came in to the camp.
Perhaps they might have seen what it was that MooseEars had said had happened unfold in front of their very own eyes for all that I knew, which made me feel even more sick to even think on that once again, as well, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, as I did my best to try to get my mind, and to get my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact been thinking on long before now once again, as I just kind of shook my head a bit to my self all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, none the less.
I really was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should be doing right now, as the camp seemed to feel quite a bit empty right now, which I knew was not the case what so ever, as I knew that every cat that was left in the clan was in the camp right at this very moment in time as well. It made me sick to even think on the things, and the current circumstances the way that I was right at this very moment in time as well, but that was sadly just the case, and that was just the way that it seemed like things were in fact going right at this very moment in time as well, none the less.
As I stared out in to the darkness of the eyes of MooseEars, and I stared from the corner of my eyes, as to the fact that RabbitNose was in fact seeming to try to make sure that he was okay once again, I then all of the sudden began to start to get my attention on to the cats that were coming in to the camp right at this very moment in time as well, as I saw that they all had quite a bit of a dark, and quite a bit of a gruesome look on their face right now, even though it was clear that they were in fact quite a bit confused as to just what it was that was going on right at this very moment in time any ways, none the less.
The first cat that seemed to want to be the fastest out of all of them, that seemed to have wanted to find out the news before the rest of those other cats that were with her right now, then all of the sudden stopped her self as soon as it was that she had gotten over to all 3 of us right at this very moment in time as well, as I saw that she dropped the vole that she had in her mouth on to the ground, as it did not seem like she was even going to try to take it over to the prey pile right at this very moment in time as well, which I would usually be a little bit upset about, but that was not the case at all right now, as I had far too many other dark thoughts in my head right now.
It would not matter even if it was that she had in fact done as such a thing in the very first place any ways, as I knew that there was not going to be any cats that were left in the camp very soon, at this rate, so there would not need to be any prey on the prey pile right at this very moment in time either. I did my best to try to calm my self down, but it was quite a bit hard if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I felt empty in side right at this very moment in time as well.
I stared at the she cat that had in fact stopped her self right in front of the rest of us, as I saw that she tilted her head over at MooseEars, as it was clear that she was in fact quite a bit lost as to just what it was that was going on with the young tom cat right at this very moment in time as well, as I was not all too sure if that were due to the fact that she was lost due to the dark look that he had on his face right now, or if it was due to the more obvious answer which was the fact that there was blood all over the tom cat right at this very moment in time as well.
After a little bit longer either way how ever, she did in fact begin to start to go on ahead and start to speak to all of the cats that were all around her right at this very moment in time as well, as it was clear to me that she was trying to clear up all that was even going on right at this very moment in time as well, as it was in fact quite a bit clear to me that she was scared, and she was in fact quite a bit lost by all of this, and she wanted answers right at this very moment in time too, which I was not all too sure as to just how it was that I was even going to answer any thing that she even was about to go on ahead and say to me, it I was going to be for real with my self too.
I simply stared at BrightEyes for quite a bit of some time, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, all at once, as I stared at her right in to her eyes all at the exact same time as well, and I then all of the sudden began to start to go right on ahead and start to listen as to just what it was that she even had to say to all of us right at this very moment in time as well, with the most blank look that I felt like I could possibly have on my face right now, as well, as I saw that the other cats seemed to be doing the exact same thing that I was doing right now, as well.
"What is going on? Why are you back so early MooseEars? And why are you covered in blood?" She said to MooseEars as it seemed to be mainly, as it was clear that not only was she quite a bit afraid as to just what it was that the answer that she was even about to get in the very first place any ways, at that none the less, but it was clear that it almost seemed like, based off of the blank looks that were on all of our faces right at this very moment in time as well, that she almost seemed to know as to just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time as well, none the less.
BrightEyes just seemed to have all of the light, and all the hope that she had left in her, go away from her face, and go away from her eyes, as she saw that the blank, and dark look that was on the eyes of all of the rest of us stayed there for a little bit longer, as it was clear that whilst she might not know all that had just happened, and all that had gone on in the place that the Riverclan cats were staying at all at the exact same time as well, she knew that it was not good, and it was very bad that had happened there.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could in the mean time, all at once, which felt quite a bit hard, as I had in fact been told by many cats that was what it was that a good leader of a clan should do time and time again, but at the exact same time as well, I kind of felt like I was not the leader of a clan what so ever at all, right at this very moment in time as well, as I kind of felt like there was no clan for me to be leading what so ever at all right at this very moment in time either.
I breathed in quite a bit heavily to my self, as I did my best to try to stay as strong as I felt like I could in the mean time, but eventually I kind of just gave up on it all, as I knew at this point, that I had nothing left. There was no point any more, as there was no possible way that this clan could grow what so ever any more, as it kind of felt like at this point, that if I was to stay in this clan any longer, than it would simply get worse for us, all at the exact same time as well, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could once again, as I did my best to try to get my mind, and to try to get my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts, once again.
As I seemed to just stare out for a little bit longer, that was when I then all of the sudden began to start to hear another voice of some other cat, as it seemed like they were going to step up, and they were going to be the leader over me this time, which did in fact kind of annoy me at first, as I first began to start to wonder if it might be MooseEars, and he might be lying about this all, as he had always wanted him and his father to be the leader, and he could just be trying to take my down right at this very moment in time as well, none the less.
How ever, that did not seem to be the case what so ever, right at this very moment in time as well, at all, as I blinked my eyes a few times all at once, as I did my best to get my mind, and my focus on the thoughts of just what it was that was really going on right now, as I saw that based off of the dark and empty look that was on the face of MooseEars right at this very moment in time as well, that it was quite a bit clear to me that he was not lying with what it was that he had come in to the camp to tell us not all too much longer ago, all at the exact same time as well.
He also was not the cat that was trying to step up and speak up to BrightEyes at all right at this very moment in time as well, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh of some relief to my self all at once, as I did my best to try to get my mind, and to try to get my focus, and my thoughts off of all of that, once again, as I saw that the cat that had stepped up to go on ahead and speak, just so happened to be RabbitNose, as I knew that medicine cats were in fact just as important as it seemed like leaders were, so I felt like there was nothing to complain about at all right now.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, as I then just seemed to stare at RabbitNose for a little bit longer, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could once again, all at the exact same time too, as I felt like there was nothing else that it was that I could in fact really do besides that right at this very moment in time as well, as I felt like at this point, there was nothing else that was even left for me in the very first place any ways, once again, which I felt like was not the case, but the more and more that I began to start to continue to think on all of that, the more I began to start to face the harsh reality.
I stared at the she cat for just a little bit longer, as I saw that BrightEyes did in fact nod back to her all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, as it was clear that she was trying to let the medicine cat know that she was in fact paying attention as to just what it was that she was even about to go on ahead and say back to her in the very first place any ways, once again, which I felt like I should do the same as well, even though I knew that RabbitNose did not have her eyes, nor did she have her focus on me at all right at this very moment in time as well.
I did my best to try to calm my self down all at once, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact been thinking on long before now, as I then just began to start to listen as to just what it was that RabbitNose was even about to go on ahead and say to BrightEyes right now, in the very first place any ways, at that.
"All of the cats, in both of our clans are dead... They got attacked by dogs... MooseEars is the only survivor..." She said to the she cat, as I saw that right away, it was clear that it had now all of the sudden just began to start to hit the she cat quite a bit more all of the sudden as to just what it was that had in fact happened in the very first place any ways, once again, as I knew that she had not known what it was that had happened before now, but she at least knew that it was not some thing that was good at all.
I felt bad for the young she cat, as I then began to start to hear her let out quite a loud groan of pain, and quite a loud groan of distress all of the sudden, as I felt like I wanted to go over to her and help her right now, but I felt like I could not, as that was due to the fact that I kind of felt like I was feeling a bit of the same way that she was feeling right at this very moment in time too, as I kind of felt like I just wanted to give up on all of this right now, if I was going to be for real with my self, as it all kind of felt quite a bit useless to me at this point, none the less.
I stared down at the ground, as it seemed like not a single one of the cats that were all around us right at this very moment in time any ways, was going to say any thing back as to just what it was that RabbitNose had even just said to BrightEyes in the very first place any ways, as it was clear that we all were grieving right now, and it was clear that all of us were in quite a lot of pain, as it was clear that we had lost a lot of loved ones, and we had lost a lot of friends in that instance that had in fact just occured.
I felt sick, as I really just wanted to vomit right now all over the ground, but I did not do as such a thing what so ever at all right now, as I just did my best to try to stay as strong as I felt like I possibly could right now, for some odd reason or another, as if what it was that had in fact just happened to my clan had not happened at all what so ever, which felt quite a bit strange to me if I was not going to lie to my self either, but I just did my best to try to keep my self as calm and as collect as I felt like I possibly could either way, once again, as well.
I lifted my head up all of the sudden, as at first I looked over to RabbitNose, as I knew that she was in fact the medicine cat of a now empty clan right at this very moment in time as well, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, though I knew that I needed to say some thing to all of the clan that was in fact left alive right at this very moment in time as well, as I then all of the sudden began to start to nod quite a bit to my self all at once, as I began to start to realize as to just what it was that I should in fact do right at this very moment in time as well, none the less.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could all at once, as I just began to start to breath in quite a bit to my self, as I stared at all of the cats that were all around me for quite a bit of some time once again, as I then all of the sudden began to start to realize all of the sudden as to just what it was that I should do, or what it was that I kind of felt like I did not really have much of any other choice on the fact as to just what it was that I should even be doing right now in the very first place any ways, as I then all of the sudden began to start to nod quite a bit to my self, all at once.
As I stared at all of the cats that were all around me right now, I then all of the sudden began to start to nod to them, as I knew now all of the sudden, as to just what it was that I should say, and just what it was that I should do right at this very moment in time as well, as I did my best to try to calm my self down, and to try to get my mind, and to get my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact once again been thinking on long before now as well.
I knew that I had to explain it to them, as I had not other choice but to do as such a thing, as I saw that they all had their heads tilted over towards me, as it was clear that they were quite a bit lost as to just what it was that I was getting at, and just what it was that I was even about to do in the very first place any ways, but as soon as it was that it seemed like it began to start to hit all of them all of the sudden, as to the fact that I had in fact been trying to make it clear to them that I was in fact about to go on right ahead and start to speak to them, that was when they then all of the sudden began to start to nod back to me all at once, to let me know that they thankfully were in fact paying attention to me right now.
I let out quite a bit of a soft sigh of relief to my self all at once for some odd reason or another, even though I knew that there was really nothing at all right at this very moment in time any ways, that it kind of felt like I should even be relieved about right at this very moment in time any ways, as I just did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could all at once, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact been thinking on long before now, once again.
I got my mind, and I got my eyes on all of the cats that were all around me right at this very moment in time as well, as I then all of the sudden did in fact begin to start to go right on ahead and begin to start to speak to all of the cats, as I knew that they all were beginning to start to listen as to just what it was that I was even about to go right on ahead and say to them in the very first place any ways, once again, none the less.
"Alright... There is no other choice, but I know what it is that we must do now..." I said to all of the cats that were all around me right at this very moment in time as well, as I made sure that the other 2 cats that were with BrightEyes on their little hunting patrol had also heard as to just what it was that I had even said in the very first place any ways, though I could clearly tell that they all were in fact quite a bit lost, and were in fact quite a bit confused as to just what it was that I was even getting at in the very first place any ways, once again, none the less.
They stopped with what it was that they were doing, as it kind of seemed like they had not really over heard as to just what it was that RabbitNose had in fact just said to BrightEyes a few moments ago, which did in fact kind of annoy me once again if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I kind of felt like I really did not want to explain the dark and disheartening story that I was about to have to tell them all once again, none the less. I felt quite a bit sick, as I just got my mind and my focus off of all of that once again.
I got my eyes on the fact that the cats that I had in fact mainly spoken to, that knew a lot more as to just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time, in the very first place any ways, were clearly just as lost as the other cats were in the clan right at this very moment in time too, as to just what it was that I was even getting at right at this very moment in time any ways, none the less, once again.
I did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, which still felt quite a bit hard if I was not going to lie to my self either, as it felt like a lot of that was due to the fact that I did in fact have quite a bit of some dark thoughts that were in fact coming through my head right at this very moment in time as well, as I just did my best to try to keep my self as calm as I felt like I possibly could, as I then all of the sudden began to start to go on ahead and think on every thing else.
That was when I then began to start to move back all of the sudden, as I knew as to just what it was that needed to be done now all of the sudden, as I kind of began to start to nod quite a bit to my self all of the sudden, as I then all of the sudden began to start to look away from all of the cats that were with me right at this very moment in time any ways, as I did my best to try to get my mind, and to get my focus off of all of the rest of those other thoughts that I had in fact been thinking on once again, as I began to start to head over to the tall rock all of the sudden, as I knew as to just what it was that I needed to be doing right now.
It made me feel a bit sick, and it made me feel quite a bit dark if I was not going to lie to my self, but I kind of felt like at this point, I was left with no other choice on just what it was that I was about to do now, as I felt quite a bit sick still, as I knew that this was not what it was that my father would have wanted if I was to ever become the leader of the clan, but I felt like I did not have much of any other choice, as I knew that there was no clan left for me to lead right now.
I shook my head quite a bit to my self all at once, as I then just began to start to continue on with where it was that I was going, and just what it was that I had been planning on doing long before now once again, which was of course the fact that I was going to go on to the tall rock, and I was going to break the news as to just what it was that was about to happen to the clan, all at the exact same time as well, none the less, that was of course, until I then all of the sudden began to start to hear the voice of MooseEars as he then all of the sudden began to start to speak to me all of the sudden.
As I began to hear him start to speak to me, I stopped my self in just what it was that I was even doing right at this very moment in time as well, even though I knew that I had made it clear to my self at this point that I had already made up my mind, and that there was no changing in just what it was that I was even about to do in the very first place any ways, once again, as I just did my best to try to calm my self down, as I began to start to squint my eyes over to the tom cat all of the sudden.
That did not seem to bother him at all, what so ever, as it seemed like he was just going to keep on going on ahead and doing what it was that he was about to do in the very first place any ways, which was of course the fact that he was about to speak to me, before it was that I even got to the tall rock all of the sudden, as I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh to my self all of the sudden, and I then all of the sudden began to start to listen as to just what it was that he was even about to go on ahead and say to me in the very first place any ways, none the less.
"YoungTail... If you do this... This will be the end of it all..." MooseEars said to me, as I saw that he now all of the sudden began to start to have quite a bit of a serious look on his face all of the sudden, as it was clear that the young tom was quite a bit of a smart cat, and he knew as to just what it was that was even going on with me right at this very moment in time any ways, as it was clear that he did in fact know as to just what it was that I was even about to go on ahead and do all of the sudden, once again.
For a second I kind of stopped my self in what it was that I was doing, as I felt like that was more just due to the fact that I was surprised that he had known as to just what it was that he was doing, as I felt like I had already made up my mind at this point. How ever, the fact that he was staring at me right in to my own eyes, as I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me as well, for some odd reason or another, as it was clear that he was trying to let me know that this was in fact very serious.
I was starting to question my self for a few moments, but I then began to start to stop my self all of the sudden, as I got my mind, and I got my focus off of all of those other thoughts that I had in fact once again been thinking on long before now, as well, as I began to start to remember all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, that there was only a few cats that were in the camp right now, which reminded me even more than before, that I did in fact have to go on ahead and do what it was that I was even about to do in the very first place any ways.
I then just began to start to look back at MooseEars right in to his eyes for just a little bit of a short period of time, as I was not all too sure as to just what else it was that I should really be doing right at this very moment in time any ways, as I did my best to try to keep my self as calm and as steady as I felt like I possibly could all of the sudden, as I just shook my head over to the young tom cat, which I could tell surprised him quite a bit at first, but I quickly began to start to look away from the tom cat before it was that he tried to say some thing else to me, that seemed like he was trying to convince me other wise on just what it was that I was even planning on doing in the very first place any ways, once again.
I let out quite a bit of a soft sigh to my self all of the sudden, as I just kept on going, and I kept on doing what it was that I had been planning on doing long before now once again, which was of course the fact that I knew that I needed to go on ahead and begin to start to head over to the tall rock, which was of course exactly what it was that I had in fact began to start to go on ahead and do, as soon as it was that I had began to start to head over in the direction all of the sudden.
I stared out in to the darkness for just a little bit longer, as I began to start to head up the small little cliff, as, as soon as it was that I was even at the top of the cliff, I then began to start to stare down at all of the cats that were in the clearing right at this very moment in time too, as I saw that they all seemed to have quite a bit of some dark, and some grim looks on their own faces right at this very moment in time as well, as it almost seemed like they knew as to just what it was that I was about to do, and what it was that I was about to say.
I kind of questioned my self all of the sudden, all at once, if there was even a single point in me even coming up here to step up and speak to them all, if they all knew as to just what it was that was even going on right at this very moment in time any ways, all at the exact same time as well. How ever, I did in fact, in the end, come to the realization that I needed to do what it was that I was in fact about to go on ahead and do in the very first place any ways, once again.
I stared at all of the cats that were staring back at me, for just a few seconds longer, as I came to the realization that they all had their eyes on me, and they all were in fact paying attention to me right now, as I then did in fact begin to start to go on ahead and speak to them all, now that it was that I knew that all were in fact beginning to listen as to just what it was that I was even about to say to them all, all at the exact same time as well.
"I am leaving Windclan... There is no point anymore, I recommend you all do the same..."

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