~*~Chapter 1~*~

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"Mia!" my dad called from downstairs, "I'm coming dad!Just 5 more minutes!" I yelled back, he sighed "That's what you said 10 minutes ago, your gonna be late for school", I rolled my eyes and looked at my reflection on my Full length mirror, I was wearing black leggings and a long sleeve grey shirt and  trying to keep my hair calm, I had brown wavy hair and at the front of my hair were a few streaks that were golden, I never dyed my hair but I guess it was just natural.

One more look at myself then I  grabbed my stuff, and I rushed outside to see my dad honking the horn loudly might I add, I rolled my eyes at him and got into his range rover, "I thought waking you up early will make you a little more faster" my dad said, "Well it didn't work did it now?" I said.

My dad threw a glance at me and sighed "Look I know this is a lot to take in but you knew I had to move here when I got that promotion and you've been holding off school for a month now, I don't want you to fail just because your angry with me", My dad was right but I was still mad at him for moving us but I couldn't let my grades slip(yeah I'm kinda of a nerd but if being smart makes me a nerd then I don't mind) I just have to suck it up.

My dad parked in front of my new school, I got out and started walking before I heard a horn behind me, I turned and glared at my dad, he knew I didn't want to talk to him but I knew he wouldn't leave without me saying bye,I sighed and went to his window side and told him "Bye dad" and was about to start walking before he said"So no good bye hug?", I sighed dads.... I went up to him and hugged him, "I'm sorry pumpkin really, you know its not my fault" he said, I sighed he was right "I know dad and I'm sorry for giving you the cold shoulder" , "Its okay pumpkin,now get in there and show 'em whose boss" I chuckled and kissed his cheek and then waved at him, "Bye dad".

I sighed when I was at the entrance, here goes nothing I guess. I walked in and started looking for the reception office, well by no luck I hadn't found it yet this was a big school.

Then I saw a girl coming out of what i assumed was, the bathroom, I guess I have to talk to someone eventually, I walked up to her and said "Um hi, I'm new here and I wanted to ask if you knew where the receptionist office was" she then turned around and oh my she was beautiful, she had beautiful brown wavy hair, beautiful porcelain skin and forest green eyes and she was wearing a yellow summer dress with flowers on it, she answered"Oh hii I'm Jasmine and Welcome to Crystal High, The reception office is right down the hall then take a right the first door you see and that's it" she smiled at me, "Oh thanks so much".

Once I found the reception office I got my schedule and other stuff and headed for my first class which was English, I still had to ask around a couple of times before I found it luckily they haven't started class yet so when I entered I saw a couple of people and some empty seats and from the corner of my eye I saw someone waving at me, it was jasmine and she told me to come over to the empty seat next to her, well she was the only person I've actually talked to so I decided of go sit with her.

"Hi again....." She trailed off, "Mia, my names Mia" I told her, "Well its nice to meet you again Mia, I guess we have English first period together"she said, "Yeah I guess" I wasn't really fond of making friends because at my old school if your smart, people will think your trying to say your better than them,then basically not wanna hang out with you, It wasn't that Jasmine wasn't nice, I just have a little bit of trust issues, then we started talking for a while and I got to know her a little.

Class was starting in like 2 minutes and we're waiting for the teacher,when suddenly the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen walks through the door, he has beautiful brown wavy hair which is swept to the side, beautiful grey stormy eyes, a defined jawline,beautiful plump pink lips which I could kiss..... Wait what? Mia snap out of it, and he was wearing jeans and white T-shirt which clunged to his body showing his muscles and his hard 6-pack, I'll want to run my hands over those packs, NO,MIA SNAP OUT OF IT.

Then he looked up, it seemed like time stopped, it felt like we were the only ones in the room as is grey eyes looked into mine,I blushed, then all of a sudden his gaze on me hardens and he looks at me with so much hatred like he wants me 6 ft under. I was a little bit shocked but covered it up and glared at him back and then he walks to the back of the class which I guess is where he sits at.

I then turn to Jasmine who was oblivious to that interaction, I then ask her "Who the heck was that dude?", referring to the guy that I just had a complete stare down with"Oh you mean my doufus brother?", my eyes widened a bit then I noticed that they do look a like a bit except for their eyes, "He basically has all the girls in the school rapped around his finger, which makes it really hard to make real girl friends cause all they want is for me to fix a date for both of them"she said and rolled her eyes like its completely normal, "What??, thats horrible, we girls should stick together and be thinking about our studies not boys,hey since I'm new maybe you could be my first friend?", she looked at me for a while, then smiled brightly at me and said "I think we're gonna get along very well Mia" then shook my hand.

Author Note:

Hey guys, so please trust me when I say the story will get better, Just stick with these story and it'll be all worth it.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi Out ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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