~*~Chapter 23~*~

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"Why?!!"Jasmine cried out as I hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"Its okay its okay everything will be okay"I said patting her back slowly as we sat cross-legged on my bed.

"Everything is not okay!,How can everything be ok M! They.... They canceled Julie and the phantoms!"she said, wailing more as more tears fell.

I sighs out,yep that's why she's crying like don't get me wrong I cried to, what? Its an amazing show and Netflix just canceled it after one season! Outrageous right?,But none the less I knew I had to tell Jas and when I did, well... You know how that went.

"I know Jas and I miss them too"

"They left me with no more Luke! And Juke(Julie and Luke) Moments!"she cried out.

"Ok Jas what if we just watch some movies to get your mind off it?".

She sniffled as she wiped her tears with the long sleeve blue blouse she's wearing.


"Ok great, you get the movie we can watch on my laptop and I'll get us some snacks downstairs"I said.

She nodded with a sad pout on her face.

I sighed as I gave her my laptop to look for a movie and headed downstairs to get the snacks.

Once I reached the kitchen, I looked in the fridge for anything to eat,I sighed when I found nothing and decided to just microwave some popcorn.

I got the microwave from the cabinet and put it in the microwave.

I stood there facing the microwave when I suddenly felt light poking in my stomach.

"Ow"I muttered as I got confused, what the heck?

Then I started to feel a little warm,I scrunched my eyebrows as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

I just shrugged it off and went back to looking at the popcorn when all of sudden I felt hot and my body started to break out in a sweat and my arms were covered in sweat.

Is it really hot in here all of a sudden?

I started to get really hot and I rushed over to fridge to find something to cool me, I reached for a bag of peas in the fridge and put it against my forehead but frowned as it did nothing.

I suddenly felt my inside churning.

"Ah"I screeched through my gritted teeth as I leaned over.

"Mia you okay?"I heard Jas say from upstairs but I could barely concentrate enough to respond back.

As I fell on my knees and hands.

I started to take in deep breaths as my body felt like it was burning.

I screamed out and collapsed on the floor.

"I'm here!!-Mia?"I heard Ryder voice and turned to look in his direction.

He face was scrunched in confusion and worry.

"Mia what happened?? Are you-"he stopped as he raised his head slightly and sniffed the air at the same moment Jas rushed into the kitchen.

Ryder's head snapped to mine and I would have gasped if not for the extreme pain I was in.

Ryder's eyes had darkened holding in it a very dark shade of blue.

"Ryder what happened?"Jas asked him.

He snapped his eyes shut as he took steps back.

"J-Jas she's I-in-"

"Heat"Jas finished for him.

She turned to me with worry look in her eyes.

"Ryder, I need you to get out"

I heard a growl come from Ryder as his darkened eyes trailed my body with hunger, i unconsciously licked my lips as his heated gaze grazed me and I squirmed under his gaze and the heat and whimpered because I had never seen Ryder act like this.

"NOW!"she shouted.

I heard hurried footsteps and realized that was Ryder leaving.

"J-Jas w-what h-happenin- Ah!"I screamed out as another wave of pain and heat entered me.

"Its okay M, its all going to be okay"she said as she tried calming me down.

"Look let get you to the bath and I'll fill it with ice to try and cool you down"she said as she tried helping me up.

She help me get up as she led me to the bathroom and help into the bathtub.

"Ok ok I'll go get some ice just stay calm ok, I'll b right back"she said as she left to go get ice.

I squirmed around in the tub as the heat intensified, tears gathered up in my eyes as I shut them and a few fell out.

I whimpered as I pried at my body to get out of my clothes that felt restraining.

I cried out as the heat didn't reduce as I removed my clothes.

"Mia-oh my god ok ok, um I got two bags of ice it should probably reduce the heat a little".

Jas ran over to my side carrying two bags of ice, don't ask me where she got them from,cause I have no idea.

I sighed out as Jas dumped a bag of ice over me, I gasped as steam evaporated from my body, giving my body little relief.

"Its okay M, I'm here, everything's going to be fine, its okay"she said as gave me a sad smile.

"J-Jas"I tried to mutter out.

"Sh its okay what happened?, what do you need?".

"W-what is h-happening to m-me?"I said as a single tear escaped.

Jas just gave me this sad look as she sighs out.

"I don't know M, I don't know"she said as single tear fell out of her eye.

But I had a feeling what she said had a double meaning to it.

I sniffed as i moved around the ice, trying to cool myself.

What the hell was happening to me?

Authors Note:

I literally cried when I heard JATP was canceled,I had been so devastated because I loved that show and it meant me a lot.

But also yeah Mia's in heat!,I wonder how that's going to go, also congrats to me for posting a new chapter! Woo boo! Guys I'm really sorry I know it's been like two weeks or something and this is basically a small one but I really am sorry, you know school and stuff and well its been hard but I did promise you guys I'll try and I did deliver and I hope you guys wouldn't give up on me and this book yet because of my stupid ass late posting,I love you guys and please don't ever forget that.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi-Out( ˘ ³˘)❤

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