~*~Chapter 16~*~

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Mia's POV

I ran out of the closet so I wouldn't be late for gym.

Once I reached there,I headed for the locker room so I could change, once I got changed I looked around searching for a specific pair of gray eyes but frowned when I didn't find them.

I sighed out and jogged up to the rest of the class.

Gym was rough especially since I couldn't concentrate, my mind was always drifting off to well the kiss, I sighed out in frustration, why? Why would he kiss me!.

I started exploring the school a bit because my dad said he might be late,I was walking past an empty class when I heard some noise coming from it, I decided to ignore it but then I heard someone whisper 'Jaxton', My body tense had that and well I got curious.

I inched closer to door and opened the slightly opened door more,the first thing I saw where two figures hugging each other?,then looked closely but what I saw made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

It was Clara,practically wearing NO shirt and in a bra and was pressed up against a shirtless Jaxton, and they were freaking MAKING OUT,I felt my body, soul and heart shatter, I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and stomp on it HARD,then Clara looked up and our eyes connected, she growled,"Get out bitch we're having fun"she screeched.

Jaxton his back still towards me,"Yeah who ever is there get out, I'm busy here!" He said over his shoulders as he started grinding himself on Clara and she started moaning his name.

I choked on a sob and I covered my mouth with my hand, I felt tears threatening to come out, I took slow steps back, I felt my chest constricting.

I couldn't breathe

I need air

I need to get out of here.

And so I ran, I swerved through hallway after hallway until I found the front of the school.

Once I was out I rested my hands on my knees as I took deep breaths as I bend down, I saw something dripping from my face to the floor and then I realized I was crying, I took more deep breathes to try and calm down.

"Tell coach, I can't make practice cause-.......Mia?"a familiar voice called from behind me, I turned around and saw Ryder and a couple other guys looking at me.

"I'll talk to you guys later,go on without me"Ryder said as he talked to them, they all nodded and left but not without giving me curious looks.

"M, what happened?"he asked, as I saw worry as I looked into his eyes.

I was about to tell him nothing that I was ok but couldn't form words,and as I looked into his eyes again, i couldn't take it anymore and I let my walls down as I jumped and hugged him tight as I let the tears fall again, just wanting comfort and wanting the pain to go away.

He was shocked but then regained his composure and hugged me back,"Shh, what's wrong? Come on you can tell me"He whispered.

"I-i d-don't k-know"I choked out and it was true, it hurt so much, Yet I honestly didn't know why I was crying, like I can't just explain what's going on with me, when I don't know myself, but all I do know is that its because of one guy and you guessed it, Jaxton.

"Its ok, its ok look why don't I take you somewhere and then we can talk"he said,I just nodded at him, knowing I won't be able to form words with my mouth.

Then he led me to his car, I looked at the car in curiosity wiping my tears with the back of my hand,since I know Ryder followed me and Jas to school so how is his car here?.

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