~*~Chapter 19~*~

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Mia's POV

"Ohh what about this one one!"Jasmine said holding up a smooth light gold dress that probably reach my mid-thigh and it had little diamonds embedded around the waist and neck line.

"I like it"I said, skimming my hands over the beautiful dress.

"Go try it on!"she said hopping on her spot while grinning.

She started pushing me towards the dressing rooms.

"Ok ok I'll go"I said entering the room.

I sighed as I looked at the dress.

Why am I getting a dress even though I'm not going on a date.

Now your probably wondering what I'm talking about well let's back track to when school ended.


School had ended for the day and I decided to go visit Chris in the nurses office.

I opened the door slowly and peeked inside, I saw Chris on one of the beds.

I walked in and sat on the chair next to him.

I watched him open his eyes and turn his head towards me and smiled.

"Hey"he said.

"Hey how you doing?"I asked, smiling back.

"Ehn I've been better"

"I'm really sorry".

"Hey its ok, its not your fault"he said sitting up on the bed.

"Yeah I know,I just hoped I got there sooner"I said feeling bad.

"Hey look, its ok, it wasn't you who beat me up".


He sighed,"So I was thinking and I wanted to cancel our date".

I looked at him shocked,"W-what?"I croaked out.

Was it something I did?

Did I say something wrong?

He probably realized he can't date a nerd like me.

"Oh no Mia, its not your fault,its just that I don't think I can make it to our date considering the fact I'm well... injured"he said

I let out a sigh of relief, suddenly I felt terrible,here I was thinking about myself, when he was the one beaten up.

"Oh I'm sorry, I-I maybe your right"

"And I want you to get to know me better, it was kind of a dick move for me to ask you out all of sudden without you getting to know me so why not we be friends and well we'll see where it goes?"he said.

Everything he said was true plus I do need to try and get my thoughts on this whole realization that I might like Jaxton.

"Yeah that'll be great"I said smiling at him.

Flashback Ended.

And when I told jasmine, she was sad but said that we were going shopping nevertheless and we were going to my house for a movie night and were getting hooked on ice cream to get my mind off the canceled date.

So thats how we're here, at the mall shopping for clothes that I could have worn to my ex-date.

I shook my head and wore the dress,I looked at myself,the dress was slim fit and it hugged my curves showing off my figure, I was right it did reached my mid-thigh, all in all I loved it.

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