~*~Chapter 25~*~

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Mia's POV

❇3 days Later❇

I sighed out as I walked downstairs, stretching out my arms and yawning.

I was about to go to the kitchen to get something to snack on when I saw someone on the couch.

I froze as I saw Ryder sitting on the couch with his head on his hands and he sighed out.

I was about to turn around and go back upstairs when the last step squeaked and Ryder's head shot up to look at me.

We both just stared at each other and I could see the bags under his eyes and the overwhelming sadness in his eyes.

"M-Mia"he called out.

I sighed out not knowing what to do, like we can't just go back to being normal after well... My heat? I don't still understand how that happen.

"Ok that's enough of that, you two need to talk this out or else it gonna be super awkward when we hang out"Jas said as she emerged from the kitchen.

I sighed out as I hugged myself closer and moved to the couch.

I sat on the other side of the couch as I blankly stared at the switched off TV.

I heard Ryder sigh out as jasmine footsteps disappeared upstairs.

"M-Mia I-I just want to say I-I'm so sorry, please I didn't-"

"Ryder stop"he quickly shut up and just stared at me as I stared back at those ocean blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry too, I-"

"Mia you don't have anything to be sorry, its my fault,I should have controlled my wolf better"

"No, its not your fault either is it mine,I was going through um 'heat?' And you couldn't have been able to control your wolf, I-I'm just so confused why it would happen to me?!"I yelled out the last part as I covered my eyes with my hands.

I felt so confused about what was going on and its all just to complicated, I felt like just crying everything out.

I sniffles and almost shot out of the couch when I felt arms encircle me, I saw it was Ryder hugging me and I just let it all out and cried, he didn't say anything but just kept me comfort.

Once I was done crying and had calm down, I lean away from him to look at him.

"I don't blame you for what happened, I never did, I guess I should have told you that sooner"

"Mia no, you needed the time to calm down and thank you for not blaming me, I don't think I would have been a 100% okay if we stopped being friends and having no one to watch MMM's with"

I chuckled as I leaned back on his chest and he hugged me,"I'm glad we worked it out"

"Me too".

"Okay", I said as I sat up straight,"I still have ALOT of questions about this new world"I said with an excited smile.

He chuckled but sat up straight,"Okay I'm here to answer all your questions".

"Okay first of all, do female werewolves really go through the 'heat' for 2 days EVERY month?"I said with a shocked face.

He nodded.

"Dayum!, thats rough!, I couldn't even handle that and on top of us having periods!" I shouted, flapping my hands in the air.

He just chuckled.

"Okay another question, Why do you guys(Ryder,Jax,jas) live in the forest when everyone else lives in the town?", Like won't it be hard to keep track of their pack?

"Actually not every werewolf lives in the houses in town, we have a pack house"

"Pack house?"

"Its a building where some of the werewolves live in but there are still houses around the pack house that people who don't want to live in the pack house can stay in their own house"

"Cool,okay but like how many are you guys?".

"Like how many we are in the pack?",I nodded,"Well we're around 600 people".

I felt like my eyes wanted to bulge out of their sockets.


He nodded a yes.

"I-I that's so many people!"I shouted.

"Well we are the biggest pack in the nation"he said.

"Wow"that's all I could say.


"Wait there's also something else that been bugging me?"I said.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Why do you guys eyes like always darken to a dark shade of you eyes"

"Oh yeah that, well that only happens when how wolf tries to take control,it usually when their angry or when their driven by lust"

"So that time we ehm we.."

"Yeah that was my wolf"

I gulped and nodded.

I heard  him sigh out,"And M, my wolf also wants to tell you he's really sorry for what he did, and no excuse can cover for it, we're both really sorry"

"Its okay I understand, it was his primal instincts, let's just move past that okay?"


"Okay one more,um who were those guys that you- um you talked to on my birthday".

I saw his face turn from happy to grim and his face carried a scowl.

"Those were some very bad people M,I'm telling you, you don't want to know who they are and what they've done".

"I-is that why you-you killed them"

He sighed out,"Yes".

I gulped and slowly nodded my head to show I understood.

"You hate me don't you?" He said.

"What?.. No, I just I-im still finding this all new and well I guess wolves need to survive and well you probably have a reason why you did what you did like you said they were very bad people but no I don't hate you, just still slightly confused"

He nodded, understanding what I said.

"Soooo, I'm going to get something to eat while you go up to the guest room and sleep"I told him

"I'm not tired",I looked at him with the 'don't lie to me' look.

"Oh yeah and those bags under your eyes are just makeup"

"Maybe they are"I shot him the 'don't shit me' look.

"Don't bullshit me James, go and take a nap, you need it"I said as I gently shoved him in the direction of the stairs.

I sighed out with a small smile on my face,Thank God we worked everything out.

I turned to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Author's Note:

Heyy, damn how long has it been? Almost 3 months..., I'm sorry! I get it and I'm not gonna give any excuse because what I did was unacceptable and I just want you guys to know I'm truly sorry, a part of the problem was writers block and losing motivation, I just hope next chapter won't take as long as this one.

Q/A:Netflix or Disney+

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi-Out( ˘ ³˘)❤

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